The Climping Gap remains one of the last undeveloped sites along the coast in West Sussex. This site is dedicated to Birds seen in and around the Climping Gap area by myself and a few die hard friends, that live in the area and have been birding the local patch for decades. (Please email your sighting's to or Tweet to @BirdsofClimping).
Bird Title
Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025
07 January, 2010
Started out at Atherington at 0930 checking the flocks of Sylark that were in the fields and must have had a least more than 1000 in the patch. Continued to see and hear 20 Woodlark, great views obtained but seen in some strange locations, seeing them on the beach in snow did not look right. Scanning the feilds from bread lane picked up 10 Bewick Swan 4 adult 6 Juvenile at the bottom of long wood.. Continued strolling around and got a call from Owen about a Great White Egret, flying east picked it up at climping car park. The best of the rest being 200+ Lapwing, 270 Feildfare, 75 Redwing, 30 Linnet, 30 Meadow Pipit, 1 Reed Bunting, 5 Snipe 2 Jack Snipe, 15w 4e Brent Geese, 2 Golden Plover, 30 Grey Plover, Sanderling and several Red Breasted Mergansers offshore.