Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

Morocco 25th - 29th April 2016

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A four night break in Morocco with my better half Karen was spent at a twin hotel location in Marrakech  the first two nights we stayed at the Riad Sulimannd in the middle of the city centre no more than a five minute walk into the main square.

The next hotel was called and backed onto the hotel backing out onto the resivour.

Flying with Easyjet, with an early morning depature and a late evening maximising the time spent in the country. The flight left twenty minutes late but  we made up time so arrived on time, unfortuantly the entry slip had to be filled on arrival leading to delay in getting through passport control.

Once through we found are driver and we were off, hotel in situated in the centre of the City and took no more than 30 minutes before we where at the hotel.  Staying at the  for the first two nights in the centre of the city centre, short walk from the main square.
On arrival and check in over dropped the bags in the room and upto the roof terrace
Up on the roof terrace plenty of Swifts circulating with Common, Pallid and Little in attendance in good numbers.

Day 1
House Bunting

Little Swift

Day 2

Plenty of White Stork's around


Day 3 Mid morning transfer took no more than thirty minutes passing through a few small towns showing massive development projects ongoing everywhere.
Staying at the Le Petit Hotel du Flouka, lot more modern could be anywhere in Spain, a nice place couple of swimming pools and over looking the reseviour. As I was keen to get out dumped bags grabbed camera and bins and I was off. The view from the hotel overlooking the reseviour.
A walk north from the main road from the hotel produced a good variety of birds, not an ideal time of day to be out, midday soaring heat about 90 degrees, nevertheless I was keen to investigate the local area.

Turtle Dove

Common Bulbul

Crested Lark

African Chaffinch

Black Eared  Wheatear


Little Ringed Plover

Male above Sardinian Warbler Female below

Day 4 I was keen on another visit to Oukamadien, so with the help from the reception staff price of £50 arranged  which I though was good value, my taxi  picked me up from the hotel and we were off to the mountain slopes of Oukamrdian. Taking no more than about 1 hour to reach the summit. On arrival the local army were returning to base from there early romp across the mountains. \the place not as I rememered although a Booted Eagle departed as a jumped out of the taxi. Army troops returning from the early morning exercise.

Alpine Chough

Black Redstart

Rock Thrush

Moussier's Redstart

Crimson Winged Finch

Plenty of Rock Martin on the way down from the mountains and a couple of Egyptian Geese

Black Wheatear
Western Olivaceous Warbler

Day 5 Last morning was eventful with a flock of about 22 Sandgrouse flying over, couple of Bee-eaters again high overhead and a Female Golden Oriole.

Little Owl

Cirl Bunting

Fox being chased by the local dogs
Melodious Warbler
Rufous Bush Robin
Grey Wagtail
Red Rumped Swallow

Spotted Flycatcher
Woodchat Shrike present in good numbers

Copy the link below into your browser to see all my pictures of Morocco