Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

12 September, 2023

 Elmer Rocks: A flat calm sea again, with 4 Sandwich Terns W being the only birds of note, apart from a gathering of several hundred hirundines offshore (Swallows and House Martins) buzzing about back and forth – though I didn’t attempt a count! On the rocks, 35 Ringed Plovers, 15 Turnstones, a single Sanderling and 8 Oystercatchers were all roosting.

Along the beach were a single Wheatear, a Pied Wagtail and a couple of Yellow Wagtails.
Chiffchaffs were very obvious this morning, with 15 in the gardens and hedgerows behind the beach. At Poole Place the Coal Tit was again in the fir trees, often calling but remaining stubbornly elusive at times and proving difficult to photo! (OM)