Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

08 September, 2023

15 Ringed Plovers were along the shoreline. Most of the interest this morning was in the Elmer hotspot wood, where 3 Spotted Flycatchers were in the trees by the rife. Also logged were 3 Blackcaps, 6 Chiffchaffs and a single Willow Warbler. Further back, in the corner of the woods, a flock of 20 Long-tailed Tits was active with up to 5 Chiffchaffs amongst them.

Nearby, at Poole Place, a Coal Tit (scarce here) was singing repeatedly and showing occasionally in the fir trees, whilst 2 Chiffchaff and 30 Goldfinches were also present there.(OM)

Walked from Bread Lane through to the golf course and back (0730 – 0930hrs) – highlights as below: (PB)

Spotted Flycatcher 2 (old horses field)
Yellow Wagtail 5
Common Swift 3
Swallows c200
House Martin c150
Sand Martin c20
Buzzard 1
Northern Wheatear 1 (looked very tall as it stood  on the shingle - ? Greenland type)
Gull flock c2000 on the field east of the set-aside:
7 Common Gull
100+ med Gull
C30 Herring Gull
Rest were B/H Gulls