Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

20 May, 2021

 A Spotted Flycatcher on the golf course was the highlight of the morning with the usual array of Warblers being present.

Peregrine fields north of golf course

A single Wheatear, 18 Oystercatcher east in a single flock, 3E Med Gull, 2 Shelduck west, 3 pairs of Whitethroat and a singing Reed Warbler.(NB)

Records for the 19th Marsh Farm
Little-ringed Plover - 2
Shelduck - 1
Yellowhammer - 1

Records of an Afternoon stroll along the river on the19th(MD)
Little Egret - 6
Grey Heron - 1
Oystercatcher - 1
Lapwing - 1
Buzzard - 2
Kestrel - 2
Great BB Gull -4
Lesser BB Gul - 2
Black -headed Gull - 57
Herring Gull - 275
Cormorant - 5
Whitethroat - 5
House Martin - 2
Swift - 8