Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

21 May, 2021

 21/5/21 - Elmer Rocks (0715-1015hrs): Sea-watching from a sheltered spot was the only option this morning. It wasn’t great, but a few birds of interest (OM)

Fulmar – 1W
Gannet – 2E, 20W
Manx Shearwater – 4W (1 & 3; the latter flock lingering a bit, giving reasonable scope views)
Grey Plover – 4W
Sandwich Tern – 1E, 1W
House Martin – 2N
Swallow – 1N

20/5/21: Elmer Rocks: I did a couple of hours sea-watching whilst also checking the beach, producing a close-in pale morph Arctic Skua, 18 Common Scoters and a late R/b Merganser east and 3 Fulmars west, plus about 20 Gannets and a Sandwich Tern offshore. My highlight though was finding a nesting Ringed Plover with 3 eggs – on the area where all the heavy machinery was stored during the sea-defence works last year – but also right in the middle of a dog-walking area so the odds must be against it surviving. Time will tell for these hardy little birds.