Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

10 March, 2015

Combined totals for this morning and early afternoon spent at the beach in the hope of early migrants, several of both Red-breasted Mergansers and Great-crested Grebe offshore but very little else moving.
Good numbers of Curlew Cudlow field
Brent Geese - 275
Curlew - 49  Field west of Climping car par
Buzzard - 8
Peregrine - 1
Red Kite - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Kestrel - 1
Firecrest - 3 First wood
Chiffchaff - 2
Goldcrest - 5
Meadow Pipit - 4
Pied Wagtail - 6
Stonechat - 2
Reed Bunting - 1
Skylark - 8
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 3
Grey Heron - 1
Sanderling - 26
Common Sandpiper - 1
Redshank - 1

Grey Heron Atherington

An early morning visit around the Farm this morning paid dividends with a SCAUP. Anyone thinking of visiting this area are reminded that most of the area is Private , and  parking is limited.
Great-crested Grebe - 3
Genuine looking Scaup 
Gadwall - 17
Tufted Duck - 4
Teal - 2
Pochard - 2
Little Grebe - 2
Cetti's Warbler - 2 heard
Yellowhammer - 7
Reed Bunting - 6
Chiffchaff - 9
Goldcrest - 2
Pied Wagtail - 3
Meadow Pipit - 8
Bullfinch - 3
Fieldfare - 33
Redwing - 42
Treecreeper - 1
Buzzard - 2
Kestrel - 1
Green Woodpecker - 1
Jay - 1
Water Rail - 1
Snipe - 7
Lapwing - 1
