09 October, 2024

I did a walk around the course yesterday…the highlight was a great view of a Winchat(just left of 13th fairway)…otherwise huge amounts of Stonechats and especially Linnets. Hardly any swallows compared to Sunday when there were hundreds. I guess the migration is in full swing. A member did see a Kingfisher on the 15th so good to know they have returned as I hadn’t seen one there in a while. (PK) 

Climping Gap - Atherington area: Once the rain had eased it was actually quite mild, as the wind dropped away, so it looked promising for passerine migrants. I spent most of the time 'bush-bashing' this morning but could only locate the commoner species once again. There was a fair bit of 'vis mig' going on overhead too and my log for the morning was as follows: (OM)

Little Egret - 4
Swallow - 30, mainly E
Meadow Pipit - plenty in fields and some overhead, no count
Skylark – 20                    
Rock Pipit - 1
Pied Wagtail - 15
Song Thrush - 2
Blackcap - 5
Chiffchaff - 15
Goldcrest - 4
Linnet - 20
Greenfinch - 2
Reed Bunting – 1

This is a list of all birds seen from the start of the golf course footpath at Rope Walk until the end of it at the mill. Roughly the order in which they were seen! (RP)

Feral pigeon 14
Wood pigeon 350+
Starling 5
House sparrow 4
Collared dove 4
Robin 18
Magpie 12
Wren 8
Swallow 18
Black headed gull 25+
Great black backed gull 1
Jackdaw 80+
Great spotted woodpecker 2
Green woodpecker 1
Greenfinch 6
Carrion crow 45+
Stock dove 6
Dunnock 6
Blue tit 8
Great tit 5
Blackcap 15
Chiffchaff 5
Firecrest 1
Spotted flycatcher 1
Herring gull 70+
Goldfinch 40
Linnet 125+
Water rail 2 heard
Cetti’s warbler 1 heard
Cormorant 3
Stonechat 2
Blackbird 9