05 October, 2024

Hirundine continue moving east in good numbers and good numbers of Robin & stonechat in the area. (RG)

Red Kite - 1
Rock Pipit - 2
Stonechat - 27
Robin - 30
Swallow - 600+
House Martin - 200+
Chiffchaff - 25
Wheatear - 1

Around Poole Place (OM)

1 Firecrest at the old camp site. (MB)

Goldcrest - 4 
Grey Wagtail - 1e
Blackcap - 2
Chiffchaff - 10
Blackbird - 12  together

04 October, 2024

Good coverage today around the patch with combined totals resulting in at least 4 Firecrest, 80+ Chiffchaff, 15 Stonechat, 2 Reed Warbler, Whitethroat, 70 Pied Wagtail, 3 Yellow Wagtail, 10 Reed Bunting with lots of Swallow & House Martin moving through east. (RG, CN, OM)

03 October, 2024

 With Finches on the move early and hundreds of Meadow Pipits in the fields the day looked promising, but eventually just fizzled out when the sun broke through. Swallow and House Martin continue to trickle through in less numbers, 22 Chiffchaff, 3 Blackcap, 5 Rock Pipit, in the setaside10 Stonechat, and a Kingfisher again at Atherington.

Rock Pipit

Late news from yesterday with a Pied Flycatcher in elm's at Littlehampton cemetery on the east side. (CJ)

02 October, 2024

A couple of visit's to the different areas of the patch didn't result in anything special with 2 Firecrest being the highlight, at First wood & Bailiffscourt. 

01 October, 2024

 Good coverage today with little reward, but saw thousand of House Martin streaming through west with hundreds of Swallow, the Merlin still hunting around the campsite, and noticeable increase in numbers of Magpie, Jay and Robins.

House Martin c1000+
Swallow c650
Sand Martin - 1
Merlin - 1
Buzzard - 6
Kestrel - 3 or 4
Grey Wagtail - 1
Yellow Wagtail - 1
Pied Wagtail - 5
Wheatear - 3
Meadow Pipit - 65
Skylark - 19
Reed Bunting - 8
Yellowhammer - 6
Stonechat - 15
Chiffchaff - 35
Blackcap - 3
Cetti's Warbler - 2
Siskin - 2
Linnet - 60
Jay - 9
Med Gull - 45
Gannet - 6w 2e

Merlin in the field bottom of Longwood