Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

06 September, 2023

 Again good variety with good numbers of hirundine constantly moving east and certainly more House Martin than the last few days. The Osprey seen again from the golf course at 07:05 (RP) and a Little Gull flew from the field west of the Mill flew and landed on Climping Beach. 

Osprey - 1
Peregrine - 1
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Little Gull - 1
Common Gull - 8
Gannet - 1w
Sandwich Tern - 13e 5w
Teal - 5w
Little Egret - 13
Grey Heron - 2
Oystercatcher - 16e
Curlew - 1w
Dunlin - 5w
Ringed Plover - 4
Redshank - 1
Whinchat - 6
Wheatear - 17+
Spotted Flycatcher - 2
Grey Wagtail - 4
Yellow Wagtail - 25
Lesser Whitethroat - 1
Blackcap - 6
Reed Warbler - 1
Cetti's Warbler - 1
Whitethroat - c40
Chiffchaff - 6
Willow Warbler - 2

Little Gull


Common Gull