Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

24 August, 2023

Birds today  from the Golf Course, West Beach and the Mill. included Ringed Plover 26, Sandwich Tern 8, Kingfisher 1, Garden Warbler 4, Whitethroat 32, Lesser Whitethroat 4, Willow Warbler 3, Whinchat 1, Wheatear 11, male Redstart mill, Spotted Fly 1 mill, Yellow Wagtail 30.(RG)

Climping/Atherington: Things started very slowly at Bailiffscourt, but gradually picked up around the Bread Lane/paddocks and set-aside areas, where a selection of migrants was present. (OM)

Little Egret - 7
Sandwich Tern – 3
Buzzard – 2
Swallow – 10
Wheatear – 3
Whinchat – 1
Blackcap – 3
Whitethroat – 15+
Lesser Whitethroat – 2
Willow Warbler - 5
Redstart – 1 (m)
Spotted Flycatcher – 2
Greenfinch – 8
Skylark – 4