Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

11 April, 2023

Elmer, Monday 10/4:- I waited until the rain had subsided before making an early afternoon visit, but it was hard going in the windy conditions with plenty of glare off the sea. Highlights were a Velvet Scoter heading east (also seen at both the Bill and Worthing) and my first Common Tern of the year on the local patch……..(OM)

Gannet – 1W, 5 o/s
Velvet Scoter – 1E (15:00hrs)
Oystercatcher – 32 on beach
Common Tern – 1E close in
Sandwich Tern – 3E, 2W

Sea watch from Climping 07:30-08:30 (RG)

Common Scoter - 3e 10w
Brent Geese - 8e
Sandwich Tern 25e

Poole Place, Tuesday 11/4:- Another quiet one. I did the fields around the back of the Elmer set-aside and Poole Place. Hard work with little reward.(OM)
Gannet – 1E
Diver sp – 1E well out settled on sea
Common Tern – 2W
Sandwich Tern – 2W
Med Gull – 8
Wheatear – 3 (together on rocks)
Swallow – 1N
Blackcap – 2
Chiffchaff – 3
Linnet - 10