Bird Title

30 August, 2022

Atherington – Climping: A Little Tern was feeding almost along the shoreline whilst being harassed by a Sandwich Tern and other small highlights were four Wheatears, a Redstart along Mill Lane and a single Spotted Flycatcher at Bailiffscourt. My totals logged were:- (OM) 
Little Egret – 4
Curlew - 1W
Sanderling - 7
Buzzard - 4
Little Tern - 1
Sandwich Tern - 6
Yellow Wagtail - 2
Swallow - 15E
Sand Martin - 4E
Wheatear - 4
Redstart - 1
Spotted Fly - 1
Whitethroat - 4
Blackcap - 3
Willow Warbler - 10
Chiffchaff - 2