Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

08 March, 2022

I watched from 0830-1130 this morning from Poole Place area in a stiff and cold SE 6, sunny most of the time and ok if sheltered. There was a good bit of movement, with the majority of it actually coming in the last hour and a half, including one huge flock of c.220 Brent with 2 Shoveler at the back and several decent flocks of Pintail. I photo’d a few of the Brent flocks to assist with counting later....zoomed up, one of the pic’s shows what is obviously a pale-bellied bird amongst them. Totals below. (OM)

Brent Goose – 510E including a Pale-bellied
Eider – 1E (drake)
Pintail – 84E
Shoveler – 4E
Med Gull- 6E
Peregrine – 1N from sea; came in from way out but probably a local bird going out to hunt?
Sanderling – 25 on beach