Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

20 January, 2022

Elmer Rocks: There was a considerable westward passage of auks very distantly along the horizon this morning, with some very big flocks moving, but although no count was attempted it must have run into four figures. Red-throated Divers were also prominent with around 10E, 8W and up to four offshore, whilst also present were a gathering of 22 Cormorants, 25 R/b Mergansers, 35 Great Crested Grebes, six Common Scoter and 45 Brent Geese. Waders along the beach and roosting on the rocks consisted of ten Oystercatchers, 15 Grey Plover, 24 Ringed Plover and unusually 25 Dunlin, plus several Turnstones. A Chiffchaff was very active and calling in the tamarisk by the kiosk and a few Long-tailed Tits were nearby. (OM) 

 Records for Tuesday 18/01/22  Elmer Rocks: 
There were at least 20 Red-throated Divers offshore this morning early on and although nothing unusual was present, it was an interesting start with lots of birds on the sea. Behind the rock islands a party of six Common Scoters and 12 Razorbills were initially close in, both species in a tight group and diving frequently, amongst up to 30 Great Crested Grebes and a dozen R/b Mergansers. Waders roosting on the rocks at high tide were 15 Sanderlings, a single Dunlin, 25 Ringed Plovers, five Grey Plovers and several Turnstones, whilst the usual nine Oystercatchers were on the beach and fields. A flock of eight Long-tailed Tits were the only passerines of note.(OM)