Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

16 October, 2021

Quick report from this morning.. Uneventful and rainy morning around Climping perhaps saved by a Kingfisher at the small (and pretty grim) Atherington Pool. Just to ensure my eyes weren’t deceiving me I checked on the way back and it was still there. (AH)
Magpies c12
Song thrush 2 
GS Woodpecker 
Sandwich Tern on Groyne, 1 East 
C35 Med Gulls on sea 
2 GC Grebe on sea 
2 Grey Wags 2 
Green Woodpecker 
Linnets N/C 
Goldfinches N/C 
2 Reed Bunting 
Yellow Hammer 
9 Pied Wagtails 
3 Grey Partridge flushed from Paddock 
7 Stonechat 
2 Thrush types flew from Paddock, possible Redwing.