Bird Title

21 August, 2021

West Beach & Climping

Hoping for more with the easterly airflow, with a Grasshopper Warbler being a first for the autumn.
Fulmar - 1 close inshore W
Sparrowhawk - 4
Peregrine - 1 Juv
Ringed Plover - c.20
Lapwing - 1
Greenshank - 1 heard
Sandwich Tern - 4
Green Woodpecker - 1
Sand Martin - c.100 E
Cetti's Warbler - 1
Chiffchaff - 2
Willow Warbler - 3
Blackcap - 1
Whitethroat - 17
Grasshopper Warbler - 1
Reed Warbler - 4
Wheatear - 15
Whinchat - 1

Black-necked Grebe 20/08/21 on unamed location