Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

07 May, 2020

 Had a late visit (11.15-15.00) to Climping Gap and area today after an appointment then back along the river (15.00-17.00). Small numbers but some quality.(MD)

Pomarine Skua - 1E 11.33

Arctic Skua - 1E 12.15. 

Skua sp 2E - 13.35

Sandwich Tern - 24E 1W

Common Tern - 1E

Gannet 90e plus 80+ distantly around the pod of dolphins at 14.00

Great-crested Grebe - 5os

Ringed Plover - 2 beach

Whimbrel - 7 GC

Common Sandpiper up to 8 along river

Oystercatcher 2 by river just south of Ford railway bridge

Whinchat – 1 by river

Barn Owl – 1 Lyminster area

Rather disappointing results considering the weather conditions and coverage this morning. Offshore rather slow again with 3 Little Tern east, 20 Common Scoter, 6 Great-crested Grebe, as well unsurprising numbers of both Gannet and Sandwich Tern. A pod of Dolphins again seen off Climping beach as well as a Grey Seal. Nothing of note in the bushes.