Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

23 April, 2020

Almost identical weather to yesterday; sunny and dry with a cloudless blue sky and becoming very warm, with a light to moderate north-easterly breeze.

Climping Gap: Noticeably quiet for migrant passerines along the hedgerows, apart from the regular Whitethroats, Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps apparently settling into breeding territories.

A sea-watch seemed the best bet and it was certainly more productive, the highlights being 2 Great White Egrets heading east, 2 eastbound drake Eiders which dropped onto the sea, an Arctic Skua and at least 2 Bonxies harassing gulls offshore. My log :-

Red-throated Diver – 1E
Fulmar – 1E, 1W
Gannet – c.30
Great White Egret – 2E (0822hrs)
Brent Goose – 30E
Shelduck – 3E
Eider – 2E settled o/s
Red-breasted Merganser – 1E
Whimbrel – 6E
Sandwich Tern – 25E
Mediterranean Gull – 45E
Arctic Skua – 1E (light morph)
Great Skua – 2+ offshore
Swallow – 5N

Eider offshore Climping Beach