Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

06 November, 2018

Quite a bit of activity this morning with loads of Skylark in the fields, and two Firecrest western end of Longwood, combined totals below.

Buzzard- 7
Sparrowhawk - 2
Kestrel - 2
Grey Heron - 1
Little Egret - 6
Great-crested Grebe - 4
Gannet - 10w
Oystercatcher - 4
Curlew - 14
Grey Plover - 10
Ringed  Plover - 16
Turnstone - 10
Sanderling - 8
Redshank - 2
Med Gull - 30
Grey Partridge - 2
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 3
Green Woodpecker - 1
Skylark - 200
Meadow Pipit - 30
Mistle Thrush - 2
Song Thrush - 4
Jay - 3
Siskin - 4
Redpoll - 2
Stonechat - 6
Pied Wagtail - 10
Grey Wagtail - 2
Goldcrest - 25
Firecrest - 2
Chiffchaff - 4
Blackcap - 1
Cetti's Warbler - 1
Bullfinch - 3
Reed Bunting - 2