Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

17 September, 2018

Fine bright conditions and despite the good coverage resulted in disappointing results, combined totals below.

Kestrel - 2
Buzzard - 1
Kingfisher - 2
Little Egret - 2
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 2
Green Woodpecker - 1
Grey Partridge - 2
Swallow - 100
House Martin - 150
Meadow Pipit - 12
Yellow Wagtail - 110
Grey Wagtail - 3
Pied Wagtail - 2
Skylark - 3
Blackcap - 35
Whitethroat - 3
Chiffchaff - 12
Sedge Warbler - 1
Reed Warbler - 2
Linnet - 20
Reed Bunting - 2
Rook - 10
Jackdaw -10
Carrion Crow - 60

Juv Med Gull

2 Curlew from the footbridge

Buzzard south of mill