Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

27 September, 2018

Fewer hirundine on the move than the last couple of days, couple of Rock Pipit climping beach and a Guillemot close inshore there.
Redstart - 1
Rock Pipit - 2
Meadow Pipit - c.150
Stonechat - 9
Wheatear - 3
White Wagtail - 2
Pied Wagtail - 10
Grey Wagtail - 2
Yellow Wagtail - 3
Reed Warbler - 1
Reed Bunting - 2
Whitethroat - 1
Chiffchaff -  50
Blackcap - 37
Skylark - 16
Bullfinch - 1
Mistle Thrush -1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 2
Jay - 4
Grey Heron -1
Little Egret - 2
Grey Partridge - 12
Ringed Plover - 4
Curlew - 2
Common Sandpiper - 1
Redshank - 1
Med Gull - 200
Sandwich Tern - 3
Great-crested Grebe - 5
Guillemot - 1
Peregrine - 1
Buzzard - 3
Kestrel - 4
Sparrowhawk - 1
Sand Martin - 2

Guillemot Climping Beach

Redstart Golf Course