Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

23 July, 2018

Started off a Marsh Farm, no waders present just a Little Egret and a Grey Heron on the pools and a Hobby flew past south west. Onto Climping which again was very quiet offshore with just 3 Common Scooter moving off east and a few Sandwich Tern west, and 2 Sanderling and 6 Oystercatcher on the rocks. Good numbers of Swift feeding over the fields north of Poole Place and c.75 Med Gull and singles of Whimbrel and Common Gull in the fields there. Best of the rest being a single Sand Martin west with small numbers of Swallow, 3 Grey Partridge, 3 Buzzard, 2 Little Egret  and 3 Green Woodpecker.

Hummingbird Hawk Moth