Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

14 May, 2018

Very quiet at Climping this morning with the highlight being a Red Kite drifting overhead east near Climping Primary School. Several Gannets feeding offshore with small numbers of Commic and Sandwich Tern. 4 Great-crested Grebe on the sea, 2 Whimbrel flew west and a single Wheatear at Climping beach. 4 Buzzard, singles of Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Jay.

At Marsh Farm mid afternoon a Red Kite flew north west towards Ford Railway station and a Cuckoo calling and flying around the big pool and a  Great-crested Grebe there. 3 Little Egret along with several Buzzards and Yellowhammers being the best of the rest.