Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

20 April, 2018

At last good numbers of common migrants around the patch, my first Wheatears of the year with at least 12 along West Beach, a Whinchat along the rife north of the golf course, and a Yellow Wagtail over head there.

Wheatear - 12
Whinchat - 1 
Yellow Wagtail - 1
Sedge Warbler - 1
Reed Warbler - 3
Cetti's Warbler - 1
Whitethroat - 14
Lesser Whitethroat - 1 end mill path
Blackcap - 15
Chiffchaff - 7
Coal Tit - 2
Reed Bunting - 2
Skylark - 10
Linnet - c.40
Green Woodpecker - 2
Swallow - 8
Grey Heron - 2
Little Egret - 1
Grey Partridge - 4
Red Kite - 2
Kestrel - 2
Buzzard - 2
Med Gull - 8
Common Scoter - 6e
Great-crested Grebe - 3
Turnstones - c.50w