Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

19 April, 2016

Golf Course fest

Best day of the spring so far, with groups of Willow Warbler in every bush. Out and about from 06:40 still not early enough to beat the ground staff who were about with the movers and 06:30, nevertheless a good productive morning.

Ring Ouzel - 1
Whinchat - 2
Redstart - 4-5
Yellow Wagtail - 4
Cetti's Warbler - 1
Sedge Warbler - 1
Willow Warbler - c.50
Chiffchaff - 18
Blackcap - 23
Whitethroat - 14
Coal Tit - 2
Wheatear - 1
Swallow - 14
Sand Martin - 6
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 1
Grey Heron - 1
Green Woodpecker - 2
Great-spotted Wpoodpecker - 1
Med Gull - 1w
Shelduck -1w

Ring Ouzel golf course

Whinchat golf course

Redstart horse paddock, several around today
Coal Tit