Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

13 January, 2015

A walk around Farm after the rain this morning produced,
Cetti's Warbler - 1
Chiffchaff - 10-12
Reed Bunting - 3
Yellowhammer - 1
Redwing - 84
Fieldfare - 11
Jay - 1
Kestrel - 1
Buzzard - 4
Grey Heron - 3
Water Rail - 2
Green Woodpecker - 2
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Gadwall - 17
Tufted Duck - 5
Teal - 4
Wigeon - 1
Little Grebe - 1

Early afternoon ventured over to Climping where there was c.450 Brent Geese in fields west of the car park, quick look offshore produced, 4w Great-crested Grebe, 5w Red-breasted Merganser, 6w Gannet, 2w Common Gull and 4w Brent Geese, with 2 Stonechat and 5 Pied Wagtail on the beach.