Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

22 November, 2013

As ever with the patch just when it looked a bit dull a few things turned up. Three groups of Brent geese on the fields 160+ but chased away by the local buzzard! Then three groups of common scoter, all started on the sea but eventually flew east, some excellent views. Further details below;

Peregrine 1
Buzzard 1
Kestrel 1
Teal 1
Shelduck 3
Common scoter 103
Brent geese 160+
Med gull 3
Little egret 1
Oystercatcher 38
Turnstone 40
Dunlin 1
Sanderling 38
Grey plover 6
Great crested grebe 8
Cormorant 64
Diver sp 2E
Auk sp 1E
Gannet 1
Stonechat 3
Chiffchaffs 1