Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

09 March, 2013

On the patch at 07:30 this morning and was rewarded with 3w Avocet, that landed on the sea for five minutes then continued moving west. Good numbers of  Brent Geese moving east in large flocks and ended with a total of c.500, also 1e Fulmar, 44 Grey Plover, 65 Curlew in the fields , 8 Dunlin, 5 Great-crested Grebe, 1w 2e Common Scoter, 09:30 to carry on with the decorating when a picked up a Marsh Tern dip feeding 75 metres out. It continued flying in a north west direction eventually flying over Atherington Cottages and  lost to view. Total shock, a very early Black Tern.
In the bushes just Chiffchaff and 2 Goldcrest.