Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

01 March, 2013

Had a walk around Marsh Farm this morning in the drizzle, and found both pools very quiet, with only 1 Great-crested Grebe, a couple of Gadwall, and 8 Teal. Nice to hear some birds singing at last,with good numbers of both Yellowhammer and Skylark. A flock of 30 distant Lapwing took flight as a pair of Buzzards flew over, 17 Snipe flushed from the flooded meadow with 55 Meadow Pipit. The bird of the day was a Bittern flushed from ditches, and flew further north up the valley. Also in the area 3 Bullfinch, 3 Chiffchaff, Sparrowhawk and a Peregrine on the Gas Tower.