Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

18 January, 2013

Hi All,
Well here is what we have all been waiting for, another caravan park proposed for Clymping Street.  Aattached is the letter received today and I urge all to write in to the address given, with your comments.

Interestingly, the land owners have already started work on the proposed site by felling a large tree by the Blacksmith’s shop and making a dirt entrance in an attempt to  “provide a safe access to and from the site” (one of the few requirements).  Where once stood a nice tree now a gaping hole with a long cement barrier in front.  I have no doubt that this proposed caravan site will look just as wonderful as the sign-ridden Farm Shop with the lovely garbage-filled polytunnel behind, next to the sawed off tree stumps. 

One line of thought is that this is a step taken to undermine the covenants on the Clymping Street lands.
I trust this matter will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

I am not against caravan sites per say, but at the strong arm approach with which the land owner attempts to force one on the residents of Clymping.  I would also not mind if there was not a history of substandard looking and maintained establishments.    This is just another step toward massive development in the village.

Sightings for the 17/1 Patch fairly dead this morning, in the horse paddock a Stonechat, 5 Song Thrushes, plus 4 Grey Partridge in the field behind. On the beach c. 45 Sanderling, and 10 Med Gull, at Poole Place.  The bird of the day was a SHAG off Poole Place.