Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

28 January, 2013

Very quiet offshore this morning although a large flock of c400 unidentified Duck moving south west was quiet promising. Also 8w Red-throated Diver, 2e Diver spa, 6e Brent Geese, and 3w Shelduck. On the rising tide 110 Sanderling, and 52 Grey Plover. In the flooded fields 9 Dunlin with 22 Ringed Plover, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Little Egret, 1 Kingfisher, 16 Fieldfare, 3 Redwing, and 350 Wood Pigeon.

26 January, 2013

A Bittern flushed from the right hand corner of the small pool at Marsh Farm this morning, flew NW at 10:35 and may still be in the area. 30 Gadwall, 43 Teal, and 12 Wigeon on the big pool also 2 Water Rail, 2 Buzzard, 3 Grey Heron, 45 Lapwing, 3 Chiffchaff, 3 Yellowhammer, 2 Reed Bunting, 2 Goldcrest, and Skylark, Fieldfare and Redwing present in good numbers.

Thurs 24th Jan - Much less around this morning, a flock of 11Brent Goose flew east, otherwise the sea was dead. The large flock of c500 Skylark in the muddy kale field were located again but no sign of any Woodlarks. Also 2 Stonechat, c250-300 Fieldfare and small number of Redwing and Song Thrush. Single female Bullfinch present near Baillifscourt and one Woodcock in the wood. 
Wed 23rd Jan -  8.30 -9.30am spent in the muddy fields around the disused railway wagons this morning. Must have been 500 skylarks in the area. Some in large flocks of at least 100. Very flighty and difficult to see as vegetation in the western field was just a bit too high. Got at the very least one woodlark, it flew over me calling.

22 January, 2013

3 Woodcock around Bailiffscourt this morning, but no sign of any Woodlark. Around
2000 Fieldfare moving west today, 1 Mistle Thrush, 70 Lapwing, 8 Snipe and 7 Golden Plover.

21 January, 2013

Constant movement of Fieldfare heading west resulted in a total of 8000, still 2 Golden Plover in the area along with 6 Med Gull, 12 Snipe and 1 Woodcock.

20 January, 2013

Cold weather movements continued today at Climping with 2 Woodlarks around Climping school. Offshore 3 Gooseander 2w 1e flew close inshore off Climping Beach and 10 Teal o/s.  71 Dunlin was a good high count around the flooded pools, and the shoreline contained 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, c.70 Sanderling, 15 Grey Plover, 1 Redshank and 7 Med Gull.

 2 Woodcock flushed around the Hotel area today, but no sign of the Little Owl. Large movement of Thrushes continued from the previous day with c. 1500 Fieldfare moving west in large flocks, 50 Redwing, 30 Song, and 5 Mistle Thrush still in the area. Most of yesterdays Golden Plover seemed to have departed with only 13 seen today but an increase in Lapwing with c. 350 moving west.

Best of the rest were 1 Stonechat, 9 Grey Partridge, 1 Buzzard, c. 160 Skylark, 40 Meadow Pipit, 12 Snipe.

19 January, 2013

Very grey and cold in the patch this morning, but with the snow receding a large number of Thrushes present with c. 150 Fieldfare, 65 Redwing, 25 Song Thrush and 5 Mistle Thrush. Also in the fields 90 Skylark, 30 Meadow Pipits, 3 Reed Bunting, 110 Golden Plover, 140 Lapwing, 25 Dunlin, 2 Snipe and 9 Grey Partridge, 1 Peregrine, and 1 Buzzard. Around Bailiffscourt 1 Woodcock, 1 Treecreper, and 3 Goldcrest. Very quiet offshore with 9 Teal and 1 Med Gull east.

Quick look around the Farm produced 30 Gadwall, 9 Teal, 5 Wigeon, 1 Little Grebe, 2 Buzzard and 1 Grey Heron.

18 January, 2013

Hi All,
Well here is what we have all been waiting for, another caravan park proposed for Clymping Street.  Aattached is the letter received today and I urge all to write in to the address given, with your comments.

Interestingly, the land owners have already started work on the proposed site by felling a large tree by the Blacksmith’s shop and making a dirt entrance in an attempt to  “provide a safe access to and from the site” (one of the few requirements).  Where once stood a nice tree now a gaping hole with a long cement barrier in front.  I have no doubt that this proposed caravan site will look just as wonderful as the sign-ridden Farm Shop with the lovely garbage-filled polytunnel behind, next to the sawed off tree stumps. 

One line of thought is that this is a step taken to undermine the covenants on the Clymping Street lands.
I trust this matter will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

I am not against caravan sites per say, but at the strong arm approach with which the land owner attempts to force one on the residents of Clymping.  I would also not mind if there was not a history of substandard looking and maintained establishments.    This is just another step toward massive development in the village.

Sightings for the 17/1 Patch fairly dead this morning, in the horse paddock a Stonechat, 5 Song Thrushes, plus 4 Grey Partridge in the field behind. On the beach c. 45 Sanderling, and 10 Med Gull, at Poole Place.  The bird of the day was a SHAG off Poole Place.

10 January, 2013

Very grey at Climping this morning, flat calm sea but not a lot on it. 22e 17w Shelduck, 1w Diver spa, and small numbers of both Red-breasted Mergansers and Great-crested Grebe. 53 Brent Geese in the fields north of the beach, with 3 Mediterranean Gull and 11 Curlew, along with good numbers of Common Gull. 30+ Grey Plover on West Beach, 1 Stonechat and 5 Grey Partridge around Bread Lane.

5 WAXWINGS present at Station Road Angmering at 1300, they flew into Sainsburys loading area were earlier this morning 33 were present.

05 January, 2013

In dull drizzly grey morning I took myself over to Marsh Farm, all seemed very quiet with no wildfowl on the pools whatsoever, but with 300 Black-headed Gull in the flooded field, along with 3 Grey Heron. 1 Cetti's Warbler calling from the reeds, also 2 Water Rail in the area and 2 Snipe flushed from the fields. A flock of 28 Redwing took flight from the line of tree's as a Peregrine swooped into view. Around the Farm 2 Bullfinch, 4 Chiffchaff, 5 Goldcrest 1 Redpoll and 1 Buzzard.

04 January, 2013

A large flock of 300-350 Common Gulls in fields north of the horse paddock west of bread lane this afternoon, amongst the flock were 15 Mediterranean Gull. Offshore 17 Wigeon moving west before landing on the sea, and several pairs of Red-breasted Mergansaers.

03 January, 2013

50 Mediterranean Gull close inshore on the inward tide at Climping Beach this morning, also 3 Brent Geese, and small numbers of both Great-crested Grebe, and Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. 9 Curlew, 1 Stonechat, 2 Goldcrest 2 Bullfinch and 5 Grey Partridge in the horse field was the best of the rest.