Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

09 October, 2011

Unable to get out until late afternoon, I paid a visit to Marsh Farm.  At about 1620 walking down to the train lines, my attention was drawn to a single bird flying east, I immediately identified a GLOSSY IBIS flying towards ford railway station. The bird turned on it self and then was lost to view at this point.  Also on the main pool 60 Mute Swan, 13 Tufted Duck, 1 Gadwall, 50 Lapwing, around the bushes 1-2 Bullfinch, several Chiffchaff, and Yellowhammer, 2 Sparrowhawk and 1 Buzzard.

Good to get first firecrest of autumn on the patch, also kingfisher on golf course along with just one wheatear. Chiffchaffs still in good numbers with 40 recorded. Small groups of swallows, martins and a few sand martins noted. No big finch movements but roaming groups of linnet got near 100 mark. Five blackcaps and similar number of goldcrests and grey partridges were also seen. Skylark and meadow pipit numbers increasing. Further signs of the seasons changing were 20 brent geese flying west. Usual two peregrines ended a grey but mild morning.

Friday 7th  Sept

Climping Gap: Siskin – 35 W , Chiffchaff – 20, Swallow – 40 W, House Martin – 3 W, Wheatear – 13,  Pied/alba Wagtail – 17 W, Yellow Wagtail – 1 W, Skylark – 11 W, Blackcap – 8, Goldfinch – 120 W, Chaffinch – 15 W, Linnet – 100 W, Goldcrest – 2, Stonechat – 4, Gannet – 2 W, Med Gull – 1 W, Brent Goose – 1 W, Grey Partridge – 14

Also lots of Blackbirds - 15 in one hedge in Bailiffscourt but not even a sniff of an ouzel