Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

05 May, 2011

A good day's birding which started at Climping 0830, must try and get up earlier as the passage today wasvery promising with 2e Pomarine Skua, 2e Black-throated Diver, 1e Great Skua, 48e  Scoter, 40e Little Tern, 2 Auk sp, 31e 9w Commic Tern,  28e 10w Sandwich Tern, 9e Whimbrel, 35w Sanderling, 3e Little Egret and 1n Yellow Wagtail.

Mid afternoon took a stroll around up Black ditch  which produced nothing spectacular, but good numbers of Whitethroat and Reed Warbler present, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 4-5 Buzzard, 1 Kingfisher,  and Cetti's Warbler heard