Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

07 December, 2010

2 Goldeneye,  Poole Place which promptly took flight and headed West.  A total of 55 Med Gulls were logged on the sea and along the shoreline.  On the sea were 5 Eider, 4 Mallard and 4 Teal, plus a Tufted Duck and 8 distant Red-throated Divers E and 2 Lapwings W. In Bailiffscourt woods there were few small birds around, but 3 Woodcocks were found, and nearby 2 Snipe (though surprisingly no Jack Snipe despite several suitable unfrozen spots). Also 1 Rock Pipit and 5 Song Thrushes.

3rd Dec. 2010
300 Brent Geese flew back and forth, flocks of Meadow Pipits and several hundred Skylarks were arriving from the sea or coasting, and flocks of duck and waders were moving W offshore (some too distant to ID). However, of those that were identifiable, I logged 58 Shelduck, 250 Wigeon, 3 Teal, 32 Tufted, 45 Pochard, 1 Golden Plover, 60 Lapwing, 10 Dunlin, 24 Redshank and 1 Knot. A single Bar-tailed Godwit dropped in on the beach as did 3 Snipe, 5 Grey Plover and 60 Sanderling. A dumpy bunting landed on the beach was a LAPLAND BUNTING (which eventually flew off W then back E).  At 14.30 a flock of 10 WHOOPER SWANS coming in over the rock islands. They looked superb as they flew in NW, set against