29/09/10 A bit of a late start at Climping after the rain, and things started slowly with just a few Chiffchaffs and 120 Meadow Pipits. Then I noticed the local crows having a go at a 'raptor' over Bailiffscourt - but a proper look showed it was in fact a Raven, a long overdue patch tick! The bird performed well for several minutes before moving off; then further bush-bashing proved unproductive, before too late I realised there was some movement taking place over the sea. Climping is often not the best sea-watching spot as stuff passing can be distant, however today most visible passage was taking place very close in. I managed to get in over 2 hours (until noon) when totals were: Wigeon 146W, Common Scoter 3E, Teal 3W, Curlew 3W, Whimbrel 1W, Brent Goose 300W, Arctic Skua 1E, Great Skua 1E, Black Tern 1, Commic Tern 2 and Sandwich Tern 4 . (Also a call from Paul Bowley saying he'd had a ringtail Hen Harrier here on Mon 27th).om
The Climping Gap remains one of the last undeveloped sites along the coast in West Sussex. This site is dedicated to Birds seen in and around the Climping Gap area by myself and a few die hard friends, that live in the area and have been birding the local patch for decades. (Please email your sighting's to lobas@btinternet.com or Tweet to @BirdsofClimping).
Bird Title
Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025