Bird Title

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush - Thailand 07/03/2025

30 October, 2010

Walk around the farm in the rain this morning with a good selection of wildfowl on the big pool, with 24 Wigeon, 8 Gadwall, 6 Tufted Duck, 4 Teal, also,1 Little Grebe, 1 Grey Heron, 12 Lapwing, 2 Cetti's Warbler, 6 Goldcrest,1 Buzzard, 1 Sparrowhawk and several each of Siskin, Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting.

25 October, 2010

In lovely bright cold morning talk a walk around the golf course and was lucky enough to flush a Short E Owl and a Dartford Warbler from the gorse.  Also 2 Blackcap 1st wood, 2 Goldcrest, 1 Stonechat, 12 Siskin moving east with small groups of Goldfinch, 1 Little Egret, 1 Sparrowhawk and still about 75 Linnet in the field north of the golf course.

18 October, 2010

West Beach

Quick walk around west beach this morning very quiet other then the following records, 1 Kingfisher, 1w Red T Diver, 2w Gannet, 1 Buzzard, 2 Peregrine, 1 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap 1 Treecreeper, and 150 Linnet.

17 October, 2010

Lovely blue sky but bit cold indicated to me that there would not be lot about, but totals included 12e Siskin with still plenty of small flocks of Goldfinch moving east. 20 Chiffchaff, 5 Goldcrest, 1 Stonechat, 1 Grey Wagtail, 5 Mistle Thrush, 1 little Owl, 5 Grey Partridge, 1 Peregrine, 1 Buzzard, 23e Swallow, 15w Brent Geese and 3 Great C Grebe offshore.

15/10 - 2 Peregrine on the gas tower, 11 Chiffchaff, 125 single flock of Linnet in field north of golf course, 3 Grey Heron, 2 Blackcap, 1 Sparrowhawk, 17e Swallow, and 5 Razorbill offshore.

12 October, 2010

A slow stream of mostly Goldfinces continued through the morning, only a couple of Siskin heard overhead. About 18 Chiffchaff still in the area with 2 Blackcap, 3 Goldcrest, 3 Wheatear, 1 Redwing, 5 Mistle Thrush, 4 Grey Partridge, 3 Buzzard and a couple of Swallow.

11 October, 2010

A stroll around the farm this morning produced nothing out of the ordinary in a brisk  ENE breeze but a good selection of birds. 50 Lapwing, 8 Wigeon, 2 Gadwall, 2 Tufted Duck, 5 Yellowhammer, 1 Cetti's Warbler, 3 Reed Bunting, 5 Goldcrest, 1 Grey Wagtail, 10 Chiffchaff, 3 Blackcap 3 Jay, 1 Sparrowhawk and 15 Siskin.

10 October, 2010

9th Oct - 1 Short E  Owl flying low around the sand dunes this morning, also 1 Hobby there. Supporting cast included 2 Sparrowhawk, 8 Chiffchaff, 1 Reed Warbler, 4 Goldcrest, 1 Blackcap, 2 Reed Bunting, 35+ Siskin, 2 Wheatear, 2 Grey Wagtail, 1 Jay and 1 Golden Plover.

8th Oct - 4 Mediterranean Gull close inshore 1 Stonechat, 2 Wheatear, 12 Chiffchaff,  4 Blackcap and a Peregrine on the gas tower early morning.

07 October, 2010

A bit of variety this morning at Climping, the best being a brief Ring Ouzel, and a nice White Wagtail in the horse compound. The most obvious feature was the eastward movement of Goldfinch flocks; a total of 1200 streamed through in the first 3 hours, and at least 170 Siskins did likewise (many in mixed flocks). Other visible migration included at least 25 Pied/alba Wagtails, 2 Redpolls, 25 Skylarks, 100 Linnets and 120 Meadow Pipits. The bushes held 15 Chiffchaffs and 5 Blackcaps, and other sightings included 2 Sandwich Terns, a Kingfisher, 9 Grey Partridge and a single Golden Plover which dropped in to settle in a field

01 October, 2010

30/09/10  Another afternoon stroll around the patch produced 10 Wheatear 1 Garden Warbler, 2 Stonechat, 12 Chiffchaff 6 Blackcap. Reports from earlier in the day produced a Short E Owl near the mill, 1 Little Owl, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, more in number of both Blackcap, Chiffchaff  and 1Reed Warbler.

29/09/10  A bit of a late start at Climping after the rain, and things started slowly with just a few Chiffchaffs and 120 Meadow Pipits. Then I noticed the local crows having a go at a 'raptor' over Bailiffscourt - but a proper look showed it was in fact a Raven, a long overdue patch tick! The bird performed well for several minutes before moving off; then further bush-bashing proved unproductive, before too late I realised there was some movement taking place over the sea. Climping is often not the best sea-watching spot as stuff passing can be distant, however today most visible passage was taking place very close in. I managed to get in over 2 hours (until noon) when totals were: Wigeon 146W, Common Scoter 3E, Teal 3W, Curlew 3W, Whimbrel 1W, Brent Goose 300W, Arctic Skua 1E, Great Skua 1E, Black Tern 1, Commic Tern 2 and Sandwich Tern 4 . (Also a call from Paul Bowley saying he'd had a ringtail Hen Harrier here on Mon 27th).om