Bird Title

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush - Thailand 07/03/2025

27 May, 2024

 The Little-ringed Plover still present south of Ferry Road late morning.

25 May, 2024

A Hobby north of the golf course and a Fulmar west at the mill, being the only highlights of a bright sunny morning.

Fulmar west over the west beach

20 May, 2024

 3-4 Red Kite moving north through the patch this morning, the Little-ringed Plover still in situ, 7 Little Egret in the field in front of the old camp site with a singing Lesser Whitethroat present and a Swift moving north.

18 May, 2024

The usual array of Warblers around the golf course, but my first Spot Fly of the year being this morning highlight, and (OM) had 2 Red-legged Partridge north of Poole Place.

Little-ringed Plover - 1
Ringed Plover - 3
Whimbrel - 1
Grey Plover - 1
Shelduck - 2E 
Gannet - 2E
Great-crested Grebe - 5 os
Little Egret - 6
Grey Heron - 5
Spotted Flycatcher - 1 longwood
Cetti's Warbler - 1 heard
Sedge Warbler - 7
Reed Warbler - 10
Lesser Whitethroat - 1
Yellowhammer - 2
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 1

17 May, 2024

Quiet again at Climping with very little movement offshore, just a couple of Sandwich Tern moving east, a few Gannets, Great-crested Grebe and a Grey Seal. The Little-ringed Plover still present, single Lesser Whitethroat and a couple of Yellowhammer around the camp site.

Dottrel Bignor Hill

11 May, 2024

 Very dire again around the patch again with little evidence of movement, 2 Little-ringed Plover still in the area with 2 Ringed Plover. 5 Great-crested Grebe on the sea, 1W Redshank, 2E Whimbrel, 2E Oystercatcher and 4 Sanderling on the incoming tideline.

 A Red Kite seen flying east along the the beach this morning by (OM) at Elmer and a Yellow Wagtail in off the sea by (HR).

10 May, 2024

Not a lot moving this morning, although resident Warblers present in good numbers, a Raven around the golf course, with 5 Lesser Whitethroat present. 4 Great-crested Grebe offshore with just a couple of Sandwich Tern moving east

Little Egret Horse Paddock

Reed Warbler

Climping/Atherington:  Wednesday 8th

The foggy conditions made looking at the sea a waste of time, so I checked out the hedgerows and fields, with very limited success. The regular Chiffchaffs, Whitethroats and Blackcaps were singing, but the only highlights were 2 Grey Partridges which unexpectedly flushed (and soon disappeared) from set-aside near Bread Lane, and a distant Cuckoo calling from somewhere beyond Bailiffscourt Hotel.(OM)




05 May, 2024

 A Black Tern moving west was the only record this morning.

Yesterday just one Little-ringed Plover and 3 Lapwing in the area.

03 May, 2024

Very quiet again in the patch with a cold brisk west south west wind.

Little-ringed Plover - 2
Pale-bellied brent - 1W
Whimbrel - 3W 2 on beach
Gannet - 65W 7E
Sandwich Tern - 7W 2E
Red-throated Diver - 1E
Diver sp - 1E
Common Scoter - 9E
Great-crested Grebe - 4 os
Ringed Plover - 9
Dunlin - 4
Sanderling - 7
Swallow - 25
House Martin - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 2
Kestrel - 1 in off sea

Pale-bellied west with 3 Brent Geese

02 May, 2024

 The Little-ringed Plover still present on the flooded field south of ferry road, with a pair of Gadwall and a Whimbrel present on the north field.

01 May, 2024

New month but still disappointed with the returns this morning, although good numbers of Reed Warbler in song along various rifes.  A Little-ringed Plover seen both sides of Ferry Rd in the flooded fields, and a Tawny Owl calling from the Bailiffscourt area but not seen.

Great BB Gull

