Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

27 April, 2024

 2 Black Tern west at climping beach this morning.(MB)

26 April, 2024

Late morning visit found the patch again very quiet, in a cold eastly breeze.

Brent Geese - 39e
Whimbrel - 1w
Gannet - 2w
Med Gull - 7w
Sandwich Tern 33w 11w
Little Egret - 3
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 1
Swallow - 3
Wheatear - 1 

Sandwich Tern 


Records for yesterday 25/04/24 with highlight of the morning being a Great Skua seen by (HR)

Little Egret - 5
Grey Heron - 2
Whimbrel - 7w
Bar-tailed Godwit - 2w
Oystercatcher - 30w
Ringed Plover- 1
Shelduck - 2w
Gannet - 2w 2e
Sandwich Tern - 7e 4w
Lesser BB Gull - 2
Brent Geese - 5w
Mallard - 7
Reed Warbler - 4
Lesser Whitethroat - 2
Blackcap - 11
Chiffchaff - 8
Willow Warbler - 4
Whitethroat - 7
House Martin - 2
Sand Martin - 3
Swallow - c75
Rook - 1
Buzzard - 3

23 April, 2024

 Still generally quite offshore this morning, but with little wind a few birds trickling through.

Little Tern - 1e
Sandwich Tern - 11e 5w
Commic Tern - 1w
Med Gull - 2w
Shelduck - 1w
Whimbrel - 5w
Oystercatcher - 35w
Turnstone - 40e
Sanderling - 1
Mute Swan - 2
Great-crested Grebe - 5
Red-throated Diver - 1 os

Red-throated Diver off car park

Great-crested Grebe
Little Egret - 4
Grey Heron - 1
Swift - 1 in off
House Martin - 2
Swallow - 15
Lesser Whitethroat - 3
Yellowhammer - 2
Reed Warbler - 2
With good numbers of Blackcap, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff.

21 April, 2024

A little variety this morning reported by (HR & DB) with 3 Redstart, 3 Swift, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 7 Wheatear and 20 Willow Warbler.

Wheatear west beach

Whimbrel west beach

Great Skua - 1e
Gannet - 9e - 2w
Sandwich Tern - 6w 11e
Med Gull - 18w
Bar-tailed Godwit - 2w
Whimbrel - 11
Turnstone - 15
Oystercatcher - 4
Wheatear - 8
Redstart - 2
Lesser Whitethroat - 2
Whitethroat - 11
Willow Warbler - 10
Chiffchaff - 5
Blackcap - 10
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 1
Little Egret - 2
Grey Heron - 1

18 April, 2024

 Very quiet around the patch this morning with just a single Whimbrel east, but notably more Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Whitethroat present, and a single Goldcrest around Bailiffscourt.

Contrasting Willow Warbler

Whitethroat Bailiffscourt

Dolphins off West Beach

16 April, 2024

The bird of the morning was a female Goldeneye off west beach seen by (HR), other than that pretty quiet with again little moving offshore.  2 Little-ringed Plover in the area with a single Whimbrel west, a Red Kite east over the horse paddock, 2 Lesser Whitethroat Mill Road and a Reed Warbler singing off ferry road.

Red Kite - 1
Buzzard - 6
Kestrel - 2
Lesser Whitethroat - 2
Whitethroat - 7
Blackcap - 12
Chiffchaff - 8
Wheatear - 2
Yellowhammer - 3
Cetti's Warbler - 1 hrd
Swallow - 3 in off
Med Gull - 31w
Gannet - 1w 1e
Shelduck - 2
Ringed Plover - 4

Oystercatcher - 6e
Turnstone - 8e
Stock Dove - 5
Jay - 1

14 April, 2024

Good count of Wheatear along the beach this morning, with 23 recocorded by (DB) although little else of note.

13 April, 2024

A couple of first's for the year in the form of a Male Whinchat at the old horse carriages and a Yellow Wagtail over, also today 5 Wheatear and 2 Whitethroat in the area. (DB)  

10 April, 2024

Very quiet this morning despite covering a large area around the patch. Hundreds of Gulls in the flooded field north of the golf course and with the course still shut it was a nice amble around without being rushed by the golfers. 2 Sedge Warbler being my first this year, as well as at least 2 Cetti's Warbler heard, and 2 Whitethroat with a single Swallow through east.

Climping Beach

Flooded golf course

Grey Heron golf course

Plenty of Linnet on the course

Reed Bunting
No sign of yesterdays Pied Fly,  2 Yellowhammer in the area,  plenty of Chiffchaff, and a Snipe flushed from a flooded field. Very quiet offshore with just 2 Great-crested Grebe seen.

09 April, 2024

Pied Fly still present off bread lane this evening

An early sea watch was curtailed somewhat, with the combination of spring tides and strong winds with Ferry Road closed due to sea again breaching the inadequate defence. Eventually parking around Kents and walking down the west side of the camp site. Suprised to find a stunning Pied Flycatcher sitting low in the hedgerow that runs parallel from the camp site, unfortunately it was not seen after the initial sighting. A Little-ringed Plover at the bottom of longwood, and 3 Fulmar east was the best of a quite morning.

Ferry Rd

Ferry Rd North

Ferry Rd South

Bottom of Longwood


07 April, 2024

Fairly quiet morning in a blustery south west wind this morning, producing a couple of firsts for the year. With a LRP south of ferry rd, 2 Greylag flew west over Bailiffscourt, a couple of Whitethroat in the area and a Redstart seen behind the Ford Prison by (DB).

Little-ringed Plover - 1
Ringed Plover - 1
Turnstone - 23w 35e
Brent Geese - 16e
Shelduck - 2
Great-crested Grebe - 2w
Greylag Geese - 2w
Grey Heron - 1
Gannet - 1w
Sandwich Tern - 1w
Swallow - 1w
Whitethroat - 2
Willow Warbler - 1
Chiffchaff - 9
Blackcap - 5
Yellowhammer - 3
Reed Bunting - 3
White Wagtail - 1
Pied Wagtail -5
Buzzard - 4
Stock Dove - 15
Little-ringed Plover

White Wagtail




06 April, 2024

A report of a Hoopoe seen resting on the river bank this morning during a bird survey, and another report of a dark phase Artic Skua through east at climping beach at 11:15 (HR)

01 April, 2024

 A late start this morning found the patch very quiet with again little movement offshore.

Wheatear - 2
Yellowhammer - 1
Stonechat - 1
Reed Bunting - 4
Skylark - 25
Meadow Pipit - 5
Chiffchaff - 7
Blackcap - 3
Linnet - 45
Pied Wagtail - 3
Ringed Plover - 6
Turnstone - c100e
Sanderling - 5
Oystercatcher - 50w
Shelduck - 2w
Common Scoter - 15e
Brent Geese - 2w
Great-crested Grebe - 5 os
Red-breasted Merganser - 7 os
Sandwich Tern - 1w
Grey Heron - 1
Little Egret - 3
Buzzard - 3
Kestrel - 1

Wheatear climping beach

Skylark setaside

Oystercatcher climping beach