Bird Title

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush - Thailand 07/03/2025

29 July, 2023

Another uninspiring morning walking around the patch with the highlight being 2 Green Sandpiper that flew out of Atherington pools east. c75 Med Gull Climping Beach, 2w Shelduck, 10w Gannet, 7 Sandwich Tern, 2w Turnstone and a couple of Willow Warblers in the area.

Juv-1st winter Med Gull

28 July, 2023

 A Barn Owl which flew out of the setaside and into the old horse paddock was the highlight of the morning, with just a couple of Willow Warbler in the area, c75 Swift moving west north of the golf course, 16 Whitethroat, 9 Reed Warbler, 1 Yellowhammer and c100 Linnet in the area.

26 July, 2023

 Good numbers of both Whitethroat & Reed Warbler in the  bushes this morning also at least 4 Willow Warbler around, 2 Yellow Wagtail flew east and 5 Sand Martin west, with a single Wheatear on the beach. 

Sedge Warbler

Reed Warbler


Great-spotted Woodpecker

18 July, 2023

Mid morning visit to Climping found c200 Sand Martin feeding over the fields with over 30 seen moving south over the sea. My first Wheatear of the autumn seen flying west over Atherington and goo numbers of Med Gull and a few Sandwich Tern offshore.


Sand Martin


Greenfinch Atherington

Med Gull Climping Beach

Whitethroat horse paddock

Skylark setaside

12 July, 2023

A mid morning visit found c300+ Med Gulls still present along Climping Beach up to Elmer Rocks, also 2 juv Yellow-legged Gulls, 3 Curlew west,  1 Common Tern, 6 Sandwich Tern and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull in the marina.

Common Tern 


Lesser BB Gull

10 July, 2023

 Hundreds of Swifts moving west over the fields east of the camp site site this morning, with small numbers of Swallow and 22 Sand Martin.



05 July, 2023

Out mid morning for a couple of hours at Climping beach, with 13 Curlew moving west, also 2 Redshank, 15 Oystercatcher, a single Ringed Plover, and 45 Med Gull offshore.

Ringed Plover

Juv Redshank

Oystercatcher & Redshank
Med Gull

04 July, 2023

A mid morning wander around the patch found nothing in particular. Two Sand Martin around the setaside being the highlight, c50 Swift moving through west and a few Swallow around Atherington. Several each of Skylark, Greenfinch, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff and Reed Warbler with singles of Yellowhammer and Kestrel. Very quiet offshore with 6 Med Gull west and a Great-crested Grebe east.


