Bird Title

Chiffchaff West Beach - 06/02/2025

31 October, 2022

Good coverage this morning with combined totals below.

Dartford Warbler - 1
Rock Pipit - 2
Stonechat - 12
Meadow Pipit - 20
Goldfinch - 120
Linnet - c100
Siskin - 4
Pied Wagtail - 12
Skylark - 7
Yellowhammer - 4
Reed Bunting - 2
Goldcrest - 15
Chiffchaff - 10
Long-tailed Tit - 25
Blackcap - 2
Jay - 3
Song Thrush - 2
Buzzard - 4
Kestrel - 2
Oystercatcher - 8
Ringed Plover - 7
Sanderling - 4
Turnstone - 9
Grey Heron - 1
Little Egret - 3 
Med Gull - 30

Rock Pipit Setaside

29 October, 2022

Bit of a late start again (0900) but there was a brief bit of vis mig which produced the Siskins. I spent most of the time up near the Poole Place area and the Firecrest was down the concrete road. Not much though in the warm conditions. (OM)

Brent Goose – 10W
Oystercatcher – 12 roosting on rocks
Ringed Plover – 60 roosting
Sanderling – 15
Turnstone – 15
Pied Wagtail – 6
Meadow Pipit – 5
Stonechat – 4
Chiffchaff – 2
Firecrest – 1
Goldfinch – 150E
Siskin – 35E
Linnet – 30E

28 October, 2022

The only record today was of a male Merlin flying north from the sea at Poole Place. (OM)

27 October, 2022

An afternoon visit from 13:00 in good sunshine, found no suprises and comparable numbers with this morning.

Dartford Warbler - 2
Rock Pipit - 2
Stonechat - 14
Yellowhammer - 1
Greenfinch - 1
Chiffchaff - 6
Goldcrest - 10
Skylark - 9
Pied Wagtail - 10
Goldfinch - 30
Linnet - 140
Mistle Thrush - 2
Song Thrush - 3
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 2
Green Woodpecker - 2
Swallow - 3
Kestrel - 1
Sparrowhawk - 2
Buzzard - 1
Grey Heron - 1
Med Gull - 17

Rock Pipit Climping Beach


There was a bit of vis mig early on – mainly goldfinch and linnet – then in the north set-aside 2 Dartfords. At Atherington a Firecrest and 4 Goldcrest. (OM)

Little Egret - 2
Goldfinch – 550E
Linnet – 120E
Siskin – 3E  (I probably missed some)
Skylark – 8E
Swallow – 6 around Atherington, 3E
Pied Wagtail – 9
Meadow pipit – 20
Stonechat – 8
Dartford Warbler - 2
Reed Bunting – 2
Long-tailed Tit – 12
Goldcrest – 4
Firecrest – 1
Chiffchaff – 3
Sparrowhawk – 1
Kestrel – 2
Great Spot Wood - 2

24 October, 2022

A couple of visits to the patch today didn't produce anything of note with the highlights being 2 Dartford Warblers in the far set-aside, 21 Stonechat in the area, and singles of Kingfisher, Mistle Thrush, Cetti's Warbler, 2 Grey Wagtail, 5 Chiffchaff and 8 Goldcrest.

Also 1 Golden Plover and Bullfinch reported. (J&C)

20 October, 2022

A brief visit locally today, I didn’t bother going out until after lunch, confining my visit to the local area. A brief look along the beach produced nothing bar a few Meadow Pipits, so I spent my time searching the usual circuit of fields and hedgerows. At hotspot set-aside and hedgerow there was no sign of the Dartford Warbler today although four Stonechats were still very active. My route produced 12 Chiffchaffs, two Goldcrests, two Song Thrushes, six Long-tailed Tits and four Skylarks, with a surprise being a Marsh Tit again - near the paintball road entrance behind Poole Place – calling quite often for a while and showing well briefly. (OM)

19 October, 2022

Four figure numbers of Goldfinches moving east in a brisk morning at Climping Beach.

Goldfinch - c1000
Linnet -c300
Rock Pipit - 1
Meadow Pipit - 75
Skylark - 30
Stonechat - 14
Pied Wagtail - 27
Grey Wagtail - 1
Reed Bunting - 3
Siskin - 13
Chiffchaff - 4
Goldcrest - 2
Cetti's Warbler - 1
Swallow - 27
Jay - 2
Green Woodpecker - 3
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Little Egret - 1
Med Gull - 50
Kestrel - 2
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 2

18 October, 2022

A fine sunny morning found finches on the move in big numbers moving east along with Skylarks, two Dartford Warblers in the set-aside with another just west at Poole Place, combined totals below. 

Dartford Warbler - 3
Cetti's Warbler - 1
Chiffchaff - 29
Goldcrest - 5
Blackcap - 10
Grey Wagtail - 4
Pied Wagtail - c50
Meadow Pipit - 65
Skylark - 67
Siskin - 14
Redpoll - 4
Goldfinch - c500+ east
Linnet - 45
Reed Bunting - 6
Stonechat - 22
Yellowhammer - 3
Song Thrush - 2
Green Woodpecker - 3
Jay - 3
Great-crested Grebe - 2 os
Oystercatcher - 3e
Little Egret - 4
Grey Heron - 3
Med Gull - 75
Swallow - 8
Peregrine - 2
Sparrowhawk - 2
Kestrel - 3
Buzzard - 5




17 October, 2022

Out late morning after the rain and bumped into OM who had the Dartford Warblers in the setaside. Very quiet offshore and very little moving overhead, combined totals below.

Little Gull - 1 
Shag - 1w
Dartford Warbler - 2
Firecrest - 1
Goldcrest - 7
Chiffchaff - 16
Blackcap - 3
Stonechat - 6
Grey Wagtail - 2
Pied Wagtail - 17
Skylark - 11
Meadow Pipit - 35
Linnet - 30
Siskin - 4
Jay - 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 2
Green Woodpecker - 4
Kestrel - 4
Sparrowhawk - 2
Buzzard - 3
Swallow - 1
Little Egret - 1
Oystercatcher - 3

15 October, 2022

Quick visit to the patch this morning produced: (RP)

Buzzard 1
Peregrine 2
Sparrowhawk 2
Kestrel 2
Redshank 1
Sandwich Tern 1
Med Gull 10
Song Thrush 2
Pied Wagtail 25
Grey Wagtail 1
Meadow pipit 40
Skylark 5
Stonechat 11
Cetti’s Warbler 1
Blackcap 5
Chiffchaff 12
Dartford warbler 1
Reed bunting 2
Linnet 75+
Goldfinch 30+
Swallow 12

14 October, 2022

Dartford Warbler - 1
Stonechat - 6
Chiffchaff - 18
Goldcrest - 6
Blackcap - 2
Grey Wagtail - 2
Pied Wagtail - 9
Siskin - 5
Skylark - 11
Reed Bunting - 2
Linnet - c100+
Goldfinch - 30
Meadow Pipit - 15
Song Thrush - 5
Mistle Thrush - 1
Jay - 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 5
Green Woodpecker - 3
Swallow - 10
Grey Heron - 2
Curlew - 4
Great-crested Grebe - 3
Swallow -10
Kestrel - 2
Sparrowhawk - 1
Med Gull - c150+

Good numbers of Med Gull in fields west of the Mill

13 October, 2022

 Out at midday well after the rain had stopped, very quiet compared with the last couple of days, but some surprises nevertheless. 

Dartford Warbler - 4-5
Little Gull - 1
Stonechat - 12
Chiffchaff - 9
Blackcap - 2
Skylark - 17
Pied Wagtail - 7
Grey Wagtail - 1
Rock Pipit - 1
Wheatear - 1
Meadow Pipit - 15
Reed Bunting - 2
Linnet - c100
Goldfinch - 25
Swallow - 12
Red-throated Diver - 1 os
Common Scoter - 1
Great-crested Grebe - 2 os 1w
Med Gull - c150
Sandwich Tern - 3w
Brent Geese - 2w
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 3
Turnstone - 25
Oystercatcher - 2

Little Gull east of Poole Place

Rock Pipit Climping Beach

12 October, 2022

Quieter this morning with little of note offshore and in the bushes.

Dartford Warbler - 1 
Stonechat - 10
Chiffchaff - 10
Blackcap - 4
Goldcrest - 6
Grey Wagtail - 1
Goldfinch - 65
Linnet - c130
Skylark - 30
Meadow Pipit - c35
Pied Wagtail - 17
Grey Partridge - 1
Kingfisher - 2
Little Egret - 2
Grey Heron - 2
Ringed Plover - 2
Brent Geese - 13w
Wigeon - 5w
Gannet - 10w
Buzzard - 1
Sparrowhawk - 2
Kestrel - 2
Green Woodpecker - 2
Swallow - 13

The Little Gull still on the sea east of Poole Place this morning. (RP)
Gannet 10W
Brent Geese 10W
Curlew 10
Turnstone 12
Oystercatcher 8
Great crested Grebe 2
Red breasted Merganser 13W
Little Egret 3
Med Gull 55
Skylark 45
Meadow Pipit 50
Grey wagtail 2
Chiffchaff 4

11 October, 2022

A late afternoon visit proved productive with a Little Gull in the field off Climping Beach, 50yds east of Poole Place, then again on the sea.

Brent Geese - 26w
Sanderling - 5e
Oystercatcher - 13e
Turnstone - 25
Med Gull - c150+
Lesser BB Gull - 1
Little Egret - 1w
Great-crested Grebe - 1 os
Buzzard - 8
Wheater - 2
Firecrest - 1
Goldcrest - 2
Chiffchaff - 5
Grey Wagtail - 1
Siskin - 2

Wheatear Climping Beach

Another fine bright sunny morning, but chilly early doors, with no sign of the Barred Warbler, good numbers and variety around the patch.

Firecrest - 1
Dartford Warbler - 2-3
Rock Pipit - 1
Chiffchaff - 19
Blackcap - 5
Goldcrest - 7
Grey Wagtail - 2
Pied Wagtail - 15
Stonechat - 13
Kestrel - 3
Sparrowhawk - 3
Buzzard - 3
Skylark - 37
Linnet - c200
Meadow Pipit - 40
Siskin - 7
Goldfinch - 350+
Reed Bunting - 8
Song Thrush - 2
Jay - 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Green Woodpecker - 2
House Martin - 25
Swallow - 10
Great-crested Grebe - 2
Brent Geese - 4w
Oystercatcher - 1w
Med Gull - 25
Little Egret - 7
Clouded Yellow - 7

Dartford Warbler


Pied Wagtail

10 October, 2022

Out after the rain from 08:30 found good numbers of House Martin on the move, the Barred Warbler still in situ and showing well, Firecrest present in the hotel grounds and at least one Dartford Warbler with the Stonechats.

Barred Warbler - 1
Dartford Warbler - 1
Firecrest - 3
Rock Pipit - 1
Goldcrest - 5
Chiffchaff - 12
Blackcap - 2
Grey Wagtail - 3
Stonechat - 9
Pied Wagtail - 10
Linnet - c300
Goldfinch - c160
Siskin - 12
Skylark - 6
Meadow Pipit - 30
Buzzard - 2
Kestrel - 3
Sparrowhawk - 1
Jay - 2
Little Egret - 2
Med Gull - c50
Gannet - 45w
Brent Geese 6w
Sandwich Tern - 4w
Auk sp - 3w
Great-crested Grebe 8 os
House Martin - 80
Swallow - 45

Barred Warbler


09 October, 2022

 The juv Barred Warbler still in the hedgerow south of the old camp site and showing well this morning.

08 October, 2022

 A fine bright morning ending with a scare bird not seen in Sussex for a number of years in the form of a Barred Warbler in the hedgerow that runs south from the old camp site towards the sea. Also 2 Dartford Warbler in the set-aside and 2 Marsh Tit reported from (OM) in the woods at Elmer.

Chiffchaff - 33+
Whitethroat - 1
Stonechat - 9
Blackcap - 10
Grey Wagtail - 3
Pied Wagtail - 12
Meadow Pipit - 25
Linnet - c100
Siskin - 8
Skylark - 9
Mistle Thrush - 1
Buzzard - 6
Kestrel - 2
Sparrowhawk - 1
Green Woodpecker - 3
Med Gull - 12
Red-throated Diver - 1e
Sandwich Tern - 1w
Golden Plover - 1
Grey Plover - 3
Ringed Plover - 2
Little Egret - 1
House Martin - 5
Swallow - 12

07 October, 2022

Went to my local beach this morning, Elmer Rocks to Poole Place. A bit of movement going on and my list as follows: (OM)

Little Egret – 1W
Shag – 1 os
Grey Heron - 1
Greylag – 3W
Auk sp – c.250W and a few E….steady trickle of smallish flocks
Gannet – feeding flock of up to c.150 offshore built up by high tide, plus c.50 mainlyW
Med Gull – 20W
Wheatear – 1 on rocks
Skylark – 2W
Linnet – 20W

Grey Lags moving west of Elmer

BN Grebe local reservoir 

04 October, 2022

Today numbers of Chiffchaff and Blackcap were much reduced from yesterday finch numbers also smaller. Passage of hirundines similarly down from previous days. Highlight was a confiding Firecrest at the western end of Long Wood. (RP)

Buzzard 1
Kestrel 1
Med Gull 6
Sandwich Tern 2
Gannet 6
Little Egret 1
Little Grebe 1
Swallow 45
House Martin 4
Stock Dove 10
Pied Wagtail 45
White Wagtail 1
Wheatear 1
Stonechat 3
Cetti’s Warbler 2
Skylark 6
Meadow Pipit 20
Chiffchaff 10
Blackcap 5
Firecrest 1
Gold crest 2
Linnet 75W 200 set aside?
Goldfinch 25W 50 set aside

30 mins at the setaside before the black clouds drove me home produced, 5 Stonechat, 2 Dartford Warbler, 1 Reed Bunting and several Swallow. (MH)

Record for Monday 3rd Oct. An afternoon at low tide was good for Common Sands and Little Egrets but not much else. Full route totals from Arundel to Littlehampton, with the Ship & Anchor to Littlehampton section alone in brackets: (MD)

Common Sandpiper 13 (8)
Oystercatcher 3 (2)
Redshank 1 (1)
Snipe 4 (0)
Lapwing 102 (0)
Little Egret 15 (13)
Grey Heron 5 (3)
Egyptian Geese 4 (0)
Sparrowhawk 2 (1)
Kestrel 7 (2)
Buzzard 6 (2)
Red Kite 1 (0)
Med Gull 35 (32)
GBB Gull 3 (3)
LBB Gull 2 (2)
Stonechat 5 (0)
Grey Wagtail 2 (2)
Grey Partridge 1 (0)

03 October, 2022

 An early afternoon visit found good numbers of Swallow still moving through the area, 2-3 Dartford Warbler in the set-aside with 9 Stonechat.

Chiffchaff - 6
Blackcap - 1
Grey Wagtail - 1
Yellow Wagtail - 1
Pied Wagtail - 15
Meadow Pipit - c200
Reed Bunting - 2
Linnet - c200
Goldfinch - 30
Greenfinch - 1
Skylark - 6
Swallow - c175
Dunlin - 1e 1w
Turnstone - 1e
Sandwich Tern - 2e 4w
Brent Geese - 7w
Oystercatcher - 23w
Great-crested Grebe - 1 os
Little Egret - 4
Med Gull - 25
Kestrel - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1

Grey Wagtail car park

Kesttrel Setaside

01 October, 2022

Quiet morning with very little of note, combined totals below.

Chiffchaff - 32
Goldcrest - 2
Cetti's Warbler - 2
Grey Wagtail - 1
Pied Wagtail - 17
Blackcap - 13
Reed Bunting - 2
Stonechat - 3
Yellowhammer - 1
Linnet - c150
Goldfinch - 25
Greenfinch - 5
Meadow Pipit - 45
Peregrine - 2
Buzzard - 1
Sparrowhawk - 2
Kestrel - 2
Sand Martin - 2
Swallow - 
House Martin - 50
Swallow - 100
Curlew - 1
Little Egret - 7
Grey Heron - 3
Med Gull - c100

Pied Wagtail