Bird Title

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush - Thailand 07/03/2025

11 June, 2022

 Not unexpectedly quiet this morning, with Lesser BB Gulls on the river mouth arm, a Fulmar flew west over west beach and a Curlew west over the Marina. 


Broad-boaded Chaser

Southern Marsh Orchid

09 June, 2022

Elmer Rocks: Today’s local patch highlight (and year tick) was three Canada Geese – actually quite a scarce species here - flying W along the beach before heading N inland. Eight Sanderlings were also feeding along the shoreline, but the sea was predictably very quiet otherwise with just a few Sandwich Terns and Med Gulls seen. On the beach a family of Carrion Crows including two recently fledged young were present, a Little Egret went east and a couple of Swallows were overhead.

 Elmer fields: A look at the fields behind Poole Place produced a Grey Wagtail feeding around the edge of a large puddle, two Swifts high up and a pair of Buzzards. The now-resident Whitethroats were largely silent, giving just the odd brief snatch of song, but a Blackcap, a Chiffchaff and two Song Thrushes were more obvious and still singing loudly. Two Great Spotted and a single Green Woodpecker were the best of the rest. (OM)

06 June, 2022

 An adult Brent Goose and 15 Sanderling Elmer Beach, with a Hobby seen north west. (OM)

05 June, 2022

 Three Little Tern on West Beach this morning the only birds of note.