Bird Title

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush - Thailand 07/03/2025

26 February, 2022

 Very quiet around the patch this morning with the only highlight being a Fulmar west over the Golf course.

Fulmar - 1W
Med Gull - c175
Goldfinch - 35
Pied Wagtail - 8
Skylark - 23
Meadow Pipit - 10
Stonechat - 1
Reed Bunting - 1
Yellowhammer - 1
Buzzard - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Kestrel - 2
Green Woodpecker - 3

Green Woodpecker

Grey Heron 

Records for Friday the 25/02/22 (OM)
Went to Atherington/Bailiffscourt/Bread Lane this morning. Plenty of people around when I left at 1100  !!

 Anyway, a quick look at the sea only produced 6 Mergansers offshore, plus a flock of 60 Med Gulls on the sea - which then all took off and headed east.

Best bird for me was a Treecreeper in Bailiffs wood, but it was otherwise quiet.  Two Grey Herons (adult + 1st-w) together in Bailiffs too.

Also a Kestrel, 3 Buzzards (1 Bailiffs, pair Poole Place in distance), 4 Mallard, 4 Song Thrush and 4 Greenfinch, plus 6 Skylarks.


19 February, 2022

Very quiet around the patch this morning with a Red Kite moving north east from Bailiffscourt the only bird of note.

Red Kite - 1
Buzzard - 2
Sparrowhawk - 1
Yellowhammer - 3
Stonechat - 1
Reed Bunting - 4
Meadow Pipit - 3
Song Thrush - 5
Pied Wagtail - 7
Skylark - 10
Linnet - 9
Goldfinch - 20
Curlew - 2
Grey Plover - 1
Sanderling - 70
Med Gull - c100
Mute Swan - 3
Grey Heron - 1
Little Egret - 1

15 February, 2022

 Elmer Rocks (0830-1045hrs): Sea-watching from the regular sheltered spot this morning. There was a bit of movement, with a steady trickle of auks heading W, a large flock of Brent Geese E way out (counted from a photo at Selsey by AH!) and a large diver which dropped in on the rough sea and proved to be a Great Northern. Log below:- (OM)

Red-throated Diver – 1 o/s 
Great Northern Diver – 1 o/s 
Diver sp – 1E 
Great Crested Grebe – 6 o/s 
Gannet – 12W 
Brent Goose – 81 E 
Red-breasted Merganser – 12+ o/s – moving back and forth 
Razorbill – 5W Auk sp – c.120W (majority probably Razorbills) 
Kittiwake – 8W 
Med Gull – 2

12 February, 2022

Succumbed and headed to Eastbourne this morning with the American Robin eventually showing well and having to accept flight views and frequent calling from Hume's Warbler.

Climping from 13:30 with not a lot happening

Stonechat - 2
Skylark - 10
Meadow Pipit - 3
Yellowhammer - 2
Song Thrush - 5
Long-tailed Tit - 5
Pied Wagtail - 2
Goldfinch - 33
Snipe - 1
Med Gull - 15
Buzzard - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Grey Heron - 1
Wood Pigeon - c500

Goldfinch Atherington

Grey Heron West Bread Lane

11 February, 2022

I did a walk from Elmer Rocks to Atherington/ Bailiffs but it was all very quiet really..... A solitary Brent Goose was on the beach around the rocks early on, before moving to feed in the fields, west of Poole Place. Offshore were 2 Common Scoter, 3 Red-throated Divers, c.15 Great Crested Grebes and 35+ R/b Mergansers (some displaying, whilst 3 Gannets drifted W well out. On the rocks at high tide were 21 Grey Plover, 20 Ringed Plover, a single Dunlin and perhaps up to 10 Turnstone. Passerines were almost non-existent....4 Skylarks in the kale field (Cudlows) and a distant Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming and nothing of note in Bailiffs....all I could find were a few Blue and Great Tits, with no sign of a Treecreeper or Little Owl!!! (OM)

Brent Geese

06 February, 2022

Elmer Rocks (0900-1050hrs): A sea-watch from a sheltered spot was the only option but it was predictably slow going. Log below:- (OM)
Fulmar – 2W
Gannet – 3E, 12W
Red-throated Diver -1E
Brent Goose – 15E
Common Scoter – 2 o/s
Red-breasted Merganser – c.15 o/s, moving to and fro
Razorbill – 1W
auk sp – 2W
Kittiwake – 3W

Sea watch from the car park early afternoon, with little of note.
Red-throated Diver - 13W
Gannet - 4W
Med Gull - 12
Red-breasted Merganser - 17W 12 os 
Common Scoter - 9 os
Great-crested Grebe - 1W  2os
Shelduck - 2W
Brent Geese - 8W
Grey Plover - 2W
Ringed Plover - 10W
Sanderling - 33W
Turnstone - 15

Brent Geese

05 February, 2022

Quiet morning around the patch with a Chiffchaff and 2 Peregrine being the only highlights.

Peregrine - 2
Kestrel - 3
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 1
Yellowhammer - 2
Stonechat - 2
Linnet - 2
Goldfinch - 25
Chiffchaff - 1
Skylark - 15
Med Gull - c75
Wood Pigeon - c750+

Chiffchaff Bailiffscourt

03 February, 2022

Details below for this far ranging Med Gull

Sightings for individual: 37438 

White 329F v 20/05/2017 Total; Antwerpen; Antwerpen; Flanders; BELGIUM 51,15N 4,19E Van Loock, Bram White 329F v Elias, Gonçalo 

20/01/2018 Cacela Velha, Vila Nova de Cacela; Vila Real de Santo António; Faro; ; Portugal 37,09N  


15/03/2018 Hayling Oysterbeds, Langstone Harbour; Havant; Hampshire; England; United Kingdom  50,49N 0,59W 

Potts, Peter White 329F v read as 3Z9F 

White 329F v Domec, Didier 

28/01/2019 Pont sur Nivelle; Ciboure; Pyrénées-Atlantiques; Nouvelle-Aquitaine; France 43,23N  


White 329F v Domec, Didier 

29/01/2019 Pont sur Nivelle; Ciboure; Pyrénées-Atlantiques; Nouvelle-Aquitaine; France 43,23N  


White 329F p 13/08/2020 Copt Point; Folkestone; Kent; England; United Kingdom 51,05N 1,12E Baldock, Michael White 329F v 28/08/2020 Copt Point; Folkestone; Kent; England; United Kingdom 51,05N 1,12E Flamant, Renaud White 329F v Potts, Peter 

02/03/2021 Hayling Oysterbeds, Langstone Harbour; Havant; Hampshire; England; United Kingdom  

50,49N 0,59W 

White 329F v 12/11/2021 Copt Point; Folkestone; Kent; England; United Kingdom 51,05N 1,12E Baldock, Michael White 329F v Domec, Didier 

10/12/2021 Pont sur Nivelle; Ciboure; Pyrénées-Atlantiques; Nouvelle-Aquitaine; France 43,23N  


White 329F p Akinola, Bola 

31/01/2022 beach, Atherington; Climping (Arun); West Sussex; England; United Kingdom 50,48N  


Total number of sightings : 11