Bird Title

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush - Thailand 07/03/2025

30 June, 2020

Walk from Arundel to Littlehampton in wet and windy weather. Common Sand numbers already building. Fewer gulls than often because it was low tide. Bracketed numbers are the Ship+Anchor to LA section alone. (MD)

Common Sandpiper – 8 (4) 

Lapwing – 20 (1)

Redshank - 1 (0)

Oystercatcher – 1 (1)

Curlew – 1 (1)

Little Egret – 17 (10)

Grey Heron – 5 (5)

Med Gull – 3 (3)

Lesser BB Gull – 2 (2)

Greater BB Gull – 7 (7)

Swift – 20 (14)

Pied Wagtail – 2 (2), juvenile and adult

29 June, 2020

Two Grey Wagtail was the highlight of the morning moving west from the car park, also 30 Swift  moving west over the hotel. 3 Ringed Plover along the beach and 2 Little Egret Atherington Pools. Pretty quite offshore with small numbers of both Gannet and Sandwich Tern.

24 June, 2020

Slow going at Climping this morning with 3 Little Egret, several Sandwich Tern feeding offshore, 2 Curlew and a Oystercatcher west and 4 Lapwing flew west over Poole place. A party of Swift around Bailiffscourt with 3 Stock Dove. Two Peregrines in the field again north of the golf course.

Cormorant Climping Beach

Yesterday glad to catch up with the Ringed Plover with 2 chicks.

21 June, 2020

A brief mid morning visit to Climping beach with the fist bird visible being a light phase Artic Skua harrowing local Sandwich Tern, eventually moving off east. Common Scoter 8E, Commic Tern 6W, Sandwich Tern 33W 7E, Gannet 3E 1W, Curlew, 7W, Oystercatcher 1W, 7 Swift, 3 Stock Dove, 3 Buzzard and a Kestrel.

19 June, 2020

West Beach this morning dodging the showers with 9 Curlew west, several Sandwich Tern offshore with 1 Common Tern west, Ringed Plovers and Oystercatcher 4 Swift and 2 Peregrine in the fields north of the golf course.

Sandwich Tern west beach

Curlew continue moving west

Peregrine north of golf course

18 June, 2020

An early westerly passage of Curlew this morning off the beach which hopefully does not indicate failed breeders moving early with at least 20 recorded. Flat calm sea early with the breeze picking up mid morning from the south west. Little else of note apart from Sandwich Tern offshore carrying food back west and 1 Commic Tern. Singles of Kestrel, Buzzard carrying food, Jay 3 Song Thrush and 2 Great-spotted Woodpecker.


Sandwich Tern

Herring Gull

17 June, 2020

Quite again around the golf course although several of Reed & Sedge Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, and Whitethroat still calling. Peregrine again in field north of the golf course, and small numbers of Swifts moving east. Flat calm sea with at lesat a dozen Sandwich Tern feeding close offshore.

Peregrine - 1
Med Gull - 3w
Sandwich Tern - 12 offshore
Ringed Plover - 2
Swift - 9
Little Egret - 1
Grey Heron - 3
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 2

Sandwich Tern off Climping Beach

Blackcap First wood

12 June, 2020

A Peregrine feasting in the field north of the golf course, this morning, also 4 Med Gull, 15 Swift east, 2 Little Egret and two Lesser Whitethroat heard.


Pheasant stand off

Lesser Whitethroat calling from the golf course

10 June, 2020

The Red-Footed Falcon at Beeding Hill eventually showed well despite the rain


Corn Bunting

From Kents up to Poole Place and back before the rain. Offshore was quite with the tide out although at least 5 Little Egret along the tideline, 1E 2W Med Gull, 3W Common Tern, and double figures of Sandwich Tern back and forth. A Grey Seal west of the car park, and evidence if breeding of a Ringed Plover with at least 2 chicks. 3 Buzzard, 4 Stock Dove and a pair of Bullfinch. 

Med Gull

Grey Seal

Little Egret

08 June, 2020

Plenty of Gannets again patrolling the trawlers off Climping Beach a single Great-crested Grebe, and a dozen or so Sandwich Tern offshore. Singles of Buzzard, Kestrel, Little Egret, Grey Heron, 2 Jay and 20 Swift.

Juv Chiffchaff

Southern Marsh Orchid in the usual places

07 June, 2020

A fine bright sunny still morning stroll around the golf course up to Climping Beach and back. 

Bullfinch - 2
Mistle Thrush - 2
Song Thrush - 2
Grey Partridge - 2
Ringed Plover - 2
Oystercatcher - 2
Cetti'sWarbler - 1
Sedge Warbler - 5
Reed Warbler - 9
Whitethroat - 12
Blackcap - 6
Chiffchaff - 3
Med Gull 2E 2W
Sandwich Tern - 4

Swift - 75
Sparrowhawk - 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Grey Heron - 2

Swifts again feeding over the golf course

Grey Heron

Grey Partridge

04 June, 2020

250+ Swift moved east for an hour from 09:20 at Climping beach, large groups observed and probably a lot more birds present, also 3 House Martin. Gannets again patrolling the trawlers east of the river mouth, 4 Med Gull, and 18 Sandwich Tern east, and at least 2 Cetti's Warbler still calling behind the golf course.

Swifts moving east in good numbers this morning

Cormnorant Climping Beach

Linnet Golf Course

03 June, 2020

A site visit to record Nightjar recently paid off with this acceptable recording.

02 June, 2020

West Beach this morning with the trawlers still being pursued my 50+ Gannet, 3 Med Gull and 4 Sanderling west, Ringed Plover on the beach and a Great-crested Grebe on the sea. 2 House Martin flew east over the dunes, good numbers of Meadow Pipit present, singles of Reed Bunting and Kestrel.

Meadow Pipit

Reed Bunting
Yesterday a Stonechat in the rife north of the golf course, and Dolphins seen close inshore Climping Beach.