Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

31 August, 2016

Today felt like after the lord mayor show, with not the variety or numbers of yesterday although good coverage again today. The Osprey was seen from West Beach mid morning high over the river amongst a throng of agitated gulls.

Osprey - 1
Peregrine - 1
Sparrowhawk - 2
Buzzard - 7
Kestrel - 3
Spotted Flycatcher - 1
Redstart - 1
Whinchat - 1
Garden Warbler - 1
Lesser Whitethroat -
Grey Wagtail - 1
Yellow Wagtail - 15
Wheatear - 11
Stonechat - 1
Reed Warbler - 2
Sedge Warbler - 1
Blackcap - 9
Willow Warbler - 7
Chiffchaff - 2
Whitethroat - 22
Meadow Pipit - 10
Linnet - c.65
Skylark - 2
Reed Bunting - 1
Grey Heron - 1
Little Egret - 2
Snipe - 1
Sandwich Tern - 2
Shoveler - 2w
Redshank - 1
Ringed Plover - 6
Oystercatcher - 21w
Green Woodpecker - 3
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1

Whinchat Atherington paddock

Redstart west beach


30 August, 2016

Purple Patch

This evening from the A259 Littlehampton bridge, the Osprey seen roosting on the wooden frame on the east side, then flying over head towards the river mouth. Also 2 Common Sandpiper, 3 Little Egret, and singles of Kingfisher, Wheatear, Yellow Wagtail and Buzzard.

With several birders covering different parts of the patch, a good day was well over due, with the main attractions being an Osprey fishing from Littlehampton road bridge at 10:00 (MH), and a Wryneck flushed from the Tamerisk at Climping beach (RG). Unfortunately on both occasions not seen since the initial sightings, nevertheless combined totals below reflect good numbers.

Osprey - 1
Wryneck -1
Pied Flycatcher - 1
Spotted Flycatcher - 1
Tree Pipit - 1
Whinchat - 1
Redstart - 4
Yellow Wagtail - 27
Wheatear - 30
Garden Warbler - 2
Lesser Whitethroat - 4
Whitethroat - 23
Blackcap - 4
Willow Warbler - 19
Chiffchaff - 5
Reed Warbler - 2
Sedge Warbler - 2
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Green Woodpecker - 3
Jay - 3
Kestrel - 3
Sparrowhawk - 2
Buzzard - 1
Grey Heron - 2
Little Egret - 2
Grey Partridge - 17
Ringed Plover - 12
Dunlin - 3
Sandwich Tern - 5
Mediterranean Gull - 40
Teal - 1e

29 August, 2016

Combined numbers from a few regulars today added a little variety, with good numbers of Swallow trickling through east.

Redstart - 2
Whinchat - 2
Yellow Wagtail - 30
Wheatear - 29
Stonechat - 3
Garden Warbler - 1
Willow Warbler - 21
Chiffchaff - 3
Lesser Whitethroat - 3
Whitethroat - 25
Blackcap - 10
Skylark - 3
Jay - 2
Kingfisher - 3
Little Egret - 1
Grey Heron - 2
Peregrine - 2
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 2
Sparrowhawk - 2

Lesser Whitethroat


27 August, 2016

A couple of Raven feeding along Climping beach early morning moving east, a Redsart in the hotel grounds, 2 Tree Pipit overhead and still good numbers of both Yellow Wagtail and Wheatear in the area.
Raven - 2-3
Redstart - 1 
Tree Pipit - 2
Whinchat - 2
Yellow Wagtail - 38
Wheatear - 41
Goldcrest -1
Willow Warbler - 5
Blackcap - 2
Chiffchaff - 1
Whitethroat - 3
Meadow Pipit - 9
Linnet - c.50
Swallow - 75
Sand Martin - 7
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 2
Green Woodpecker - 2
Golden Plover - 1
Whimbrel - 2
Ringed Plover - 2
Grey Partridge - 10
Little Egret - 1
Grey Heron - 1
Sparrowhawk - 2
Kestrel - 2
Black-headed Gull c.240
Med Gull - 2
Sandwich Tern - 5

26 August, 2016

A clearout overnight with no Whinchat and fewer number of Wheatear in the area, Yellow Wag numbers on the increase, star bird being a Turtle Dove that flew over the old camp site.

Turtle Dove - 1
Redstart - 2 long wood & golf course
Yellow Wagtail - 70+
Wheatear - 15
Willow Warbler - 7
Lesser Whitethroat - 1
Stonechat - 3
Whitethroat - 14
Meadow Pipit - 9
Blackcap - 3
Swallow - 31
Sand Martin - 3
Peregrine - 1
Kestrel - 3
Jay - 2
Buzzard - 1
Little Egret - 5
Grey Heron - 1
Ringed Plover - 5
Oystercatcher - 2
Turnstone -
Sandwich Tern - 3
Med Gull - 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Green Woodpecker - 3

25 August, 2016

Combined totals below for this morning;

Redstart - 1
Whinchat - 4 
Wheatear - 55+
Yellow Wagtail 50+
Lesser Whitethroat - 1
Whitethroat - 35
Stonechat - 1
Willow Warbler - 10
Meadow Pipit - 15
Linnet - c120
Blackcap - 2
Reed Warbler - 1
Little Egret - 2
Sparrowhawk - 2
Peregrine - 1
Kestrel - 1
Kingfisher - 1
Whimbrel - 1
Swallow - 100+
House Martin - 4

24 August, 2016

Bread Lane from 12pm produced 20 Wheatear, 25 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Whinchats, and a Lesser Whitethroat, also still good numbers of Linnet, with small numbers of Meadow Pipit in the flock. (MH)

23 August, 2016

Glorious day weather wise, unfortunately the birding did not quite match the expectations.

Yellow Wagtail - 19
Whinchat - 2
Wheatear - 17
Whitethroat - 21
Willow Warbler - 14
Reed Warbler - 3
Stonechat - 1
Chiffchaff - 2
Goldcrest - 2
Treecreeper - 1
Blackcap - 4
Reed Bunting - 3
Meadow Pipit - 13
Linnets - c.120
Skylark - 2
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 2
Green Woodpecker - 3
Grey Partridge - 8
Whimbrel - 2
Med Gull - 3
Swallow - 11
Sand Martin - 4
Little Egret - 2
Grey Heron - 2
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 2

22 August, 2016

Cloudy start early morning, the birding and the weather got a lot better mid-morning.

Redstart - 2
Whinchat -3-4
Spotted Flycatcher - 1 long wood
Stonechat - 4
Wheatear - 25+
Yellow Wagtail - 5
Reed Warbler - 4
Willow Warbler - 7
Whitethroat - 16
Blackcap - 3
Reed Bunting - 1
Linnet - c.100
Meadow Pipit - 12
Skylark - 3
Green Woodpecker - 3
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Peregrine - 2
Sparrowhawk - 1
Kestrel - 2
Whimbrel - 2
Mediterranean Gull - 5
Little Egret - 2
Gannet - 1 east over the dunes

Redstarts in fields north of golf course

Whinchat bread lane fields

Grey Heron

Peregrine golf course

Plenty of Wheatear around this morning

18 August, 2016

This morning didn't quite live up to yesterdays numbers, the only surprise was a dozen Canada Geese on the sea at West Beach, and later flew north up river towards Arundel.

Spotted Flycatcher - 1
Yellow Wagtail - 4
Bullfinch - 1 fem
Stonechat - 5
Wheatear - 3
Willow Warbler - 8
Blackcap - 5
Whitethroat - 11
Reed Warbler - 4
Meadow Pipit - 5
Linnet - c.70
Skylark - 2
Whimbrel - 1
Grey Plover - 1
Little Egret - 2
Grey Heron - 1
Green Woodpecker - 3
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Sand Martin - 27
Swallow - 15
Canada Goose - 12 on sea
Sandwich Tern - 5
Med Gull - 1

Canada Geese west beach

Spot Fly golf course

Wheatear west beach

17 August, 2016

Best day of the autumn so far, not in numbers but a good variety of species knocking around the patch, combined totals below.

Tree Pipit - 1 golf course
Redstart - 1 golf course
Spotted Flycatcher - 1 first wood
Whinchat - 2 bread lane field opp the paddock
Yellow Wagtail - 5 bread lane fields opp paddock
Wheatear - 12+
Garden Warbler - 2
Willow Warbler - 24
Lesser Whitethroat - 1
Whitethroat - 18
Stonechat - 2
Blackcap - 6
Reed Warbler - 11
Sedge Warbler - 1
Treecreeper - 1
Goldcrest - 1
Linnet - c.120
Meadow Pipit - 10
Reed Bunting - 2
Peregrine - 1 gas tower
Sparrowhawk - 2
Kestrel - 2
Grey Partridge - 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Green Woodpecker - 3
Sand Martin - 15
Swallow - 37
Sandwich Tern - 8 offshore
Little Egret - 2
Whimbrel - 5 golf course
Oystercatcher - 25w
Redshank - 1
Green Sandpiper - 1 golf course rife

15 August, 2016

Another fine bright sunny day with the highlights being;

Black-tailed Godwit - 2
Whimbrel - 4
Whinchat - 1
Lesser Whitethroat - 2
Wheatear - 3
Stonechat - 4
Sparrowhawk - 1

14 August, 2016

Combined totals from regulars at the patch this morning;

Spotted Flycatcher - 1
Wheatear - 6
Willow Warbler - 33
Garden Warbler - 5
Whitethroat - 37
Lesser Whitethroat - 2
Chiffchaff - 1
Blackcap - 7
Stonechat - 1
Reed Warbler - 3
Linnet - c.120
Skylark - 1
Song Thrush - 5
Pied Wagtail - 2
Swallow - 15
Sand Martin - 4
Green Woodpecker - 4
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 4
Hobby - 1
Peregrine - 2
Sparrowhawk - 2
Kestrel - 1
Little Egret - 2
Grey Heron - 1
Whimbrel - 3
Common Sandpiper - 2
Sandwich Tern - 2
Common Gull - 6
Lesser BB Gull - 1

13 August, 2016

A lovely bright sunny warm morning although still relatively quiet in the patch. The highlight being a Grasshopper Warbler amongst the Tamerisk at Climping beach and 5 Common Sandpiper on the River.

Grasshopper Warbler - 1
Willow Warbler - 9
Lesser Whitethroat - 2
Blackcap - 4
Whitethroat - 8
Goldcrest - 1
Linnet - c.100
Meadow Pipit - 2
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 2
Green Woodpecker - 3
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Sand Martin - 5
Swift - 1
Swallow - 15
Little Egret - 9
Common Sandpiper - 5
Med Gull - 24

Grasshopper Warbler climping beach

Little Egret Ath pools

12 August, 2016

Have had problems with my email for the last couple of days, seems like my account was hacked, apologise if anyone received a strange email asking for money from my address. New email is, hopefully that will be the last of the problems. Have deleted all of my old contact details in case of infection so will have to start again, anyone who wants to get in touch throw me a quick and I will save details ta.
Combined records for this morning producing a good variety without anything to get excited about

Spotted Flycatcher - 1 mill
Wheatear - 5
Stonechat - 5 (3 juv)
Garden Warbler - 1
Lesser Whitethroat - 2
Yellow Wagtail - 1
Willow Warbler - 9
Whitethroat - 12
Blackcap - 8
Bullfinch - 1
Peregrine - 1
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 2
Sparrowhawk - 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Green Woodpecker - 2
Swallow - 19
Sand Martin - 1
Kingfisher - 1
Little Egret - 7
Grey Heron - 2
Med Gull - 22
Whimbrel - 2
Oystercatcher - 3

Wheatear west beach

Willow Warbler river

Juv Starling river

Records for Wed 10th

Peregrine - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 2
Grey Heron - 1
Little Egret - 1
Whimbrel - 1
Sandwich Tern - 4
Green Woodpecker - 5
Song Thrush - 2
Swallow - 6
Swift - 8
Sand Martin - 5
Wheatear - 4
Whinchat - 1
Stonechat - 2
Reed Warbler - 14
Willow Warbler - 10
Chiffchaff - 1
Blackcap - 3
Whitethroat - 8
Linnet - c.110

09 August, 2016

Combined totals at the patch in a fine bright sunny morning.

Wheatear - 5
Willow Warbler - 29
Whitethroat - 12
Sedge Warbler - 3
Reed Warbler - 9
Blackcap - 6
Goldcrest - 1
Reed Bunting - 2
Linnet - c120
Green Woodpecker - 6
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 2
Kestrel - 2
Buzzard - 2
Sparrowhawk - 2
Peregrine - 2 gas tower
Swift - 9
Sand Martin - 10
House Martin - 2
Swallow - 25
Mediterranean Gull - 17
Whimbrel - 4
Ringed Plover - 7
Sanderling - 5
Dunlin - 9
Little Egret - 5
Grey Heron - 2

Blackcap camp site

Wheatear car park

Little Egret Marina

08 August, 2016

A couple of short visits to the patch today, the highlight being a Nightngale at the old camp site, combined totals below.

Nightingale - 1
Lesser Whitethroat - 3
Yellow Wagtail - 1
Stonechat - 2
Willow Warbler - 7
Reed Warbler - 3
Blackcap -2
Chiffchaff - 3
Whitethroat - 9
Sand Martin - 5
Swift - 2
Swallow - 10
Green Woodpecker - 3
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1
Little Egret - 6
Grey Heron - 2
Whimbrel - 3
Sparrowhawk - 2
Buzzard - 1
Kestrel - 2

Great-spotted Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker


Willow Warbler
Long-tailed Tit