Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

31 July, 2014

A quick walk along West beach this morning produced;
Little Egret - 11
Common Gull  - 15
Great Black-Backed  - 6
Lesser Black-Backed - 1
Mediterranean Gull  60
Sandwich Tern - 8
Sanderling - 80
Dunlin  - 10
Ringed Plover - 20
Oystercatcher - 5
Turnstone - 12
Buzzard - 2

29 July, 2014

Carrion Crow

Autumn certainly on the way this morning with  bit of variety in the patch with
Mediterranean Gull - c170
Common Gull - 4
Lesser-blacked backed Gull - 5
Sandwich Tern - 25
Knot - 3
Sanderling - 74
Dunlin - 12
Ringed Plover - 12
Turnstone - 20
Little Egret - 10
Grey Heron - 1
Whinchat - 1
Wheatear - 9
Willow Warbler - 15
Whitethroat - 26
Reed Warbler - 4
Skylark - 19
Grey Partridge - 8
Sand Martin - 14
Swift - 6
Treecreeper - 1
Green Woodpecker - 3
Sparrowhawk - 1
Peregrine - 1
Kestrel - 2
Adult above and a fresh Juv Whitethroat below

Yesterday evening around  Marsh Farm singles of both Cuckoo and Sparrowhawk

28 July, 2014

A walk along West Beach up to Climping early morning produced 2 Little Tern, 25 Mediterranean Gull 50 Sanderling, 19 Dunlin, 10 Ringed Plover, several each of Sandwich, Common Tern and Gannet offshore, at least 6 Little Egret, 30 Swift feeding over the golf course, 1 Sparrowhawk, 9 Willow Warbler, 5 Sedge Warbler, 7 Reed Warbler, 1 Reed Bunting and good numbers of Whitethroat.

24 July, 2014

13 Willow Warbler on the back of the golf course this morning in very warm conditions, 1 Yellow Wagtail flew east over head, also 12 Swift and good numbers of Swallow moving east. In the large gull flock in fields  at the back of bread lane 6 Mediterranean, 1 Lesser BB Gull and 3 Sandwich Tern. Also 4 Reed Bunting, several Whitethroat, 2 Reed Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff and a Little Egret in the area.
Willow Warbler

Reed Bunting

23 July, 2014

c130 Swift moving east from Climping beach this morning along with 30 Sand Martin, probably many more as I walked the beach up to Elmer. Very quiet offshore with small numbers of Common,  Sandwich Tern and Gannet. Singles of Grey Heron and Little Egret,  at least  5 Willow Warbler around Atherington, and the Peregrine on the gas tower.

21 July, 2014

Received a report of a Great-Blacked Backed Gull seen in the patch on 1st June, black ring yellow code 51M ringed as a female chick on 26/06/2013 in Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, Normandie 49 29 N – 00 09 E
01/06/2014 Littlehampton Sussex ENGLAND 50 48 N – 00 32 W Richard Pulley

11&12/07/2014 Lizard (Lizard Point) Cornwall ENGLAND 49 57 N – 05 12 W Mark Grantham

20 July, 2014

Scant returns this morning on the patch with 11w 5e Med Gull, 7w Common Tern, 17 Sandwich Tern, 1w Whimbrel, 14 Dunlin 3 Sanderling, 6 Little Egret, 2 Grey Partridge, and a  Sparrowhawk.

Yesterday  Saturday 19th 1 Greenshank at Climping Beach, 1 Little Owl in the hotel grounds 2 Dunlin and small numbers of both Med Gull and Sandwich Tern.

Nice selection from the Marina this morning

Great B B Gull

Herring Gull

Lesser B B Gull

Little Egret


18 July, 2014

A nice surprise today was a Turtle Dove in Bailiffscourt in trees by the tower, also 15 Mediterranean Gull, on the beach from Climping car park,  2w Whimbrel,  5 Little Egret and a Peregrine on the gas tower.

Turtle Dove Bailiffscourt

Mediterranean Gull Climping Beach

14 July, 2014

c50 Sand Martin moving west at Climping Beach this morning, and 1w close inshore Gannet.  4 Mediterranean Gull roosting  in fields at the end of Longwood along with 2 Grey Heron, 4 Little Egret feeding on the low tide and 1 Sparrowhawk over Atherington.

Kestrel Atherington

10 July, 2014

At least a dozen Mediterranean Gull in the ploughed field west of Ferry Road, 1 Common Scoter close inshore, with small numbers of Sandwich and Common Tern, a Peregrine on the Gas Tower, at Marsh Farm 1 Great-crested Grebe and c50 Swift hawking over the plouged fields.

Oystercatcher -  Marina

Peregrine Gas Tower

01 July, 2014

Noticing a few Mediterranean Gull have started to reappear along the coast I ventured out to Climping Beach and found 3 feeding on the low tide, also 3 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron, small numbers of Sandwich Tern, 1e Shelduck and a Peregrine on the gas tower.

Med Gull Climping Beach

Little Egret

Peregrine on the Gas Tower