Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

31 May, 2014

Highlights of the morning were two Avocet flying east, plus a third winter Black backed Gull that had been ringed as a juvenile in Normandy. Other birds of note included
Gannet at least 100 around fishing boats
Common scoter 8E
Shelduck  - 4E
Grey Heron - 3
Little Egret - 1
Fulmar - 1W
Common Tern - 19
Sandwich Tern - 1
Dunlin - 3
Sanderling - 12
Ringed Plover  - 1
Peregrine 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 2
Swift - 4
Swallow -  9
Skylark 4
Chiffchaff - 4
Reed warbler - 8
Whitethroat - 8
Sedge Warbler - 1
Blackcap - 2
Cetti's Warbler  -1
Reed Bunting - 1

30 May, 2014

Sighting's for yesterday include, a female Peregrine on the gas tower early morning, good numbers of Whitethroat and Reed Warbler still singing from the back of the golf course, 2 Common Tern feeding in the river opposite the Sailing Club, 5 Little Tern flew east from the car park also 1e Dunlin and several Sandwich Tern offshore.

21 May, 2014

Singles of Hobby, Cetti's Warbler and Grey Partridge today being the only birds of note.

19 May, 2014

Two visits to the patch today seawatch from the car park 16:00 until 18:00

Pomarine Skua - 2e light & dark phase at 16:12
Great Skua -  2 1e @ 17:10 1w @ 17:45
Little Tern - 2e
Common Scoter - 47e
Fulmar - 1e
Sandwich Tern - 14e 5w
Commic Tern - 22e 4w
Gannet - 21e 23w

This morning from the Golf course produced a calling Tawny Owl from the back of First Wood, Cetti's Warbler from the reedbed, 1 Lesser Whitethroat at the Mill, singles of  Peregrine, Swift, Grey Partridge and 2 House Martin.

17 May, 2014

Today's sightings include a Cetti's Warbler calling in dense scrub at the back of the Golf course, also
Common Scoter - 4
Little Egret - 1
Grey Heron - 2
Grey Partridge - 1
Peregrine - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 2
Sandwich Terns - 6
Green Woodpecker - 3
Great-spotted Wood - 1
Swift  - 4
Swallow - 16
Skylark - 6
Song Thrush - 6
Reed Warbler - 16
Sedge Warbler - 2
Whitethroat - 14
Lesser Whitethroat - 1
Blackcap - 4
Chiffchaff - 7
Willow Warbler  -2
Reed Bunting - 2

15 May, 2014

Another beautiful morning, started from the golf course were a Cuckoo flew north and a male Peregrine hunting over the northern fields. Rest of the totals include 12 Wheatear, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 10 Reed, and 3 Sedge Warbler, 7 Blackcap, 24 Whitethroat, 3 Reed Bunting, 1 Swift, 1 Sparrowhawk, 2 Little Egret and 2 Grey Partridge. Offshore 1os Diver spa, 45e Common Scoter, 5os Great-crested Grebe, 1 Shelduck and small numbers of Sandwich Tern, Commic Tern and Gannet.

14 May, 2014

Little Owl
A beautifull day to be out and about, 2-3 Red Kite seen today with 2 soaring over Atherington lodge at 11:40, at least 6 Spotted Flycatcher seen at back of the Golf course and 1 Whinchat by the old camp site. 8 Wheatear around bread lane, 14 Reed and 2 Sedge Warbler, 6 Willow Warbler, c35 Whitethroat, 1 Little Owl, 10 Swift, 3 Buzzard and large numbers of Swallow moving through the area. The Kumlien's Gull still present from the River Mouth.

Male & Female Wheatear, Whitethroat and Grey Partridge.

10 May, 2014

Very quiet in the patch today in very blustery conditions although received reports of as many as 7 Spotted Flycatcher seen around the patch. The Kumlien's Gull still present at the River mouth this afternoon, 3w Sandwich Tern, 2 Whimbrel and a Sparrowhawk.

09 May, 2014

The Kumlien's Gull flying up and down the River until 11:30 at least, also today 6n Swift, 1n House Martin, 1 Sparrowhawk and 20w Gannet.

At Lidsey this afternoon 2 Glossy Ibis in the left hand corner of the flooded field from the 2nd metal gate over the railway crossing. Good numbers of Swift c50, 25 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Dunlin 1sp Grey Plover and 9 Ringed Plover.

06 May, 2014

Morning sea watch from 06:300 - 10:00 early SW then W.

Manx Shearwater - 2w 07:32 & 08:05
Pomarine Skua - 1e 08:22
Artic Skua -  3e
Black Tern  - 2e
Fulmar - 2e
Little Tern - 2w
Gannet c200 following trawlers
Sandwich Tern - 21
Commic Tern - 11
Common Scoter - 64e
Brent Geese - 4e
Razorbill - 1e
Diver sp - 1e
Bar-tailed Godwit - 1w
Swallow - 37
Sand Martin 2n
Swift - 2
Whinchat - 1 West Beach
Wheatear - 11 mainly WB
Grey Partridge - 2
Little Egret - 1
Peregrine - 2

Goldfinch, Linnet and Mistle Thrush

Records for Sat 5th May
Pomarine Skua - 5e
Artic Skua - 1e
Common Scoter  - 243e
Great Skua - 1e
Gannet - c220 following trawlers
Fulmar - 2e
Little Tern - 12
Commic Tern - 127
Sandwich Tern - 79
Whimbrel - 40
Bar-tailed Godwit - 7e
Great-crested Grebe -5
Lapwing - 4
Grey Partridge - 2
Sparrowhawk - 1
Peregrine - 1

 The Kumlien's Gull present again from the river mouth over the weekend (birdguides) and a Brambling at the horse paddock early morning, on sat 3rd.

01 May, 2014

Morning sightings from the patch today include,
Bar-tailed Godwit – 15 E
Dunlin – 2 W
Whimbrel – 3 W
Oystercatcher 18 W
Ringed Plover – 2 Fields
Lapwing – 3 Fields
Med Gull – 7 E
Black Tern – 2 E
Sandwich Tern – 4 E
Swallow – 7+ in-off
Gannet – 36 around fishing boats, plus others
G.C. Grebe – 6 OS
Scoter – 30 E
Little Egret – 1 on beach
Wheatear – 1 Horse Paddocks
Whitethroat – 14+ various
Lesser Whitethroat -1 1st Wood
Sedge Warbler -1 1st Wood/GC
Reed Warbler - 4 1st Wood/GC
Kumlein’s Gull near Arun mouth at 12.30
Afternoon visit to the patch produced a White Wagtail in the horse paddock, 2-3 Whinchat in the vegetated shingle on West Beach along with 11 Wheatear, and offshore with:
Fulmar - 1w
Whimbrel - 11w
Common Scoter - 27e
Med Gull - 3e
Brent Geese - 2e
Great-crested Grebe - 1os
Gannet - 8w 1e
Common Tern - 4w
Commic Tern - 3e
Swallow - 7n