Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

23 January, 2014

Took a stroll around Marsh Farm at midday, still loads of water in the fields so very quiet on the pools, but still produced 7 Shoveler, 10 Gadwall, 3 Little Grebe, 15 Teal, 3 Wigeon, and 5 Tufted Duck.
Flooded Fields

Elsewhere good numbers of both Redwing and  Fieldfare, 12 Yellowhammer, 3 Buzzard, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Nuthatch, 2 Siskin, 2 Snipe, 3 Grey Heron, c75 Linnet.


22 January, 2014

Took a walk around the back of the golf course today, very muddy and wellingtons are required. Very quiet with only 1 Kingfisher, 2 Stonechat 2 Reed Bunting top of the dunes, 5 Meadow Pipit, 7 Grey Partridge and a Buzzard.

Bar-tailed Godwit 19/1/14

Stonechat West Beach
Yesterday offshore 1 drake Red Breasted Merganser OS, 3 Diver SP 1W 2E, 14+ Common Scoter W,  and a probable Drake Pochard West.

On the Beach near the Dunes: 17 Grey Plover, 7 Oystercatcher, 1 Med Gull, 20+ Common Gull and a good number of Black-headed Gull over 60.

Field behind beach: Buzzard feeding on worms and a few Pied Wags and Meadow Pipits.
Bailiffscourt: 6 Blue Tit, 7 Great Tit, 3 Redwing, 13 Mallard, 3 Coot, 2 Goldfinch, a Wren and a Robin.


19 January, 2014

Just had some feedback from a friend of mine up north who is really into Gulls and confirms the id as a Glaucous Gull,  the very short primary projection reaching just beyond the tail confirms the id, happy to be proved wrong.
Records for sat 18/1
8w Pintail, 3w Shelduck, 4 Mediterranean Gull, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 110 Oystercatcher, 95 Sanderling, 18 Linnet, 12 Redwing, 1 Bullfinch, 5 Meadow Pipit, 2 Buzard and 1 Kingfisher, 4 Little Grebe around the Marina.

Images of an adult White winged Gull seen on the flooded fields north of Climping Beach. First impressions are that this looks like a Herring Gull, but would loved to be proved wrong.
Little Grebe Littlehampton Marina



14 January, 2014

Pretty quite this morning at Climping 6 Redwing in the hotel grounds  1 male Bullfinch, 18 Meadow Pipit in the horse field and 4 Buzzard sitting in the field opposite Bailiffscourt. 1 Stonechat at west beach 7 Grey Partridge behind the mill along with 20 Linnet. Offshore very slow with just  5w 3e Mediterranean Gull.
Group of 7 Grey Partridge

Meadow Pipit

Redshank Littlehampton Marina 13/1/14

09 January, 2014

Spent the morning around Marsh Farm, very quiet just 2 Gadwall, on the pools, elsewhere 3 Bullfinch, 1 Reed Bunting, 32 Fieldfare, 27 Redwing, 50 Linnet, and 1 Buzzard. Afternoon hour seawatch from the car park was also very quiet with just 1 Kittiwake close inshore, 15os Common Scoter,2 Med Gull and 5w Brent Geese.

08 January, 2014

From West Beach and around the golf course this morning c100 Sanderling, 37e Brent Geese, 2 Stonechat, 35 Linnet, 5 Meadow Pipit,  7 Grey Partridge, Water Rail heard in the reedbed, and a . At the Marina, singles of Redshank, Little Grebe and Sparrowhawk.

04 January, 2014

Mid morning stroll along Climping Beach in very blustery conditions produced 60w 12e Brent Geese, 2w Kittiwake close inshore 1 adult and a first year bird, 2 Mediterranean Gull, 3 Bat-tailed Godwit in the flooded field west of the car park, along with c90 Sanderling and 74 Oystercatcher, .

03 January, 2014

Marsh Farm mid morning produced 9 Yellowhammer,  c100 Fieldfare with 17 Redwing and good numbers of Starling. On the flooded pool 4 Shoveler, 11 Gadwall, 3 Teal, 2 Pochard, and 5 Tufted Duck, also 2 Buzzard, circling the valley, singles of Chiffchaff and Goldcrest in the bushes.