Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

29 May, 2013

A stunning male Black Redstart on the roof of Atherington Lodge mid morning. 3 Buzzard, 10 Dunlin flew north west and 26w Med Gull at Climping Beach were the only other birds of note.
Records for Tues 28th  - Early evening from Climping Beach with the wind being almost southerly produced 1e Black-throated Diver, 2e Great Skua, 2w Fulmar, 31w Med Gull, 22e 9w Sandwich Tern and  65e 29w Gannet.

27 May, 2013

5 Mediterranean Gull flew west at West Beach this evening also 1 Whinchat in fields field north of the Golf Course and 1 Greenshank on the River.

19 May, 2013

Very quiet at Climping this morning with only a Hobby flying east at Baliffscourt, and 2 Peregrine on the gas tower. Offshore, 6 Great-crested Grebe, and small numbers of Gannet and Sandwich Tern.

At Marsh Farm 1 Cuckoo heard 1Great-crested Grebe on the big pool, good numbers of Reed Warbler singing and 20 Swift in the area.

Yesterday The Hobby seen again hawking over the golf course, and a Spotted Flycatcher at first wood.

13 May, 2013

Records for Saturday 11th include 2e Artic Skua, 21 Common Scoter, 1w Fulmar, 1w Canada Goose, 2e Brent Geese, 20w 5e Gannet, 15w 3e Sandwich Tern, 5 Commic Tern 7 Swift in off the sea and several Swallow, plus 2 Grey Partridge in the fields.

Wheatear Climping Car Park

Great-crested Grebe and Grey Heron Marsh Farm
Yellowhammer Marsh Farm

05 May, 2013

Much the same as yesterday with the Hobby still showing back of the horse field.

Records for Sat 4th May 1 Hobby seen from bread lane high over the horse paddock, also during  a lovely spring morning, 15 Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff, 12 Blackcap, 10 Whitethroat, 10 Reed Warbler, 3 Sedge Warbler, 3 Reed Bunting, 1 Redstart, 1 Whinchat, 8 Wheatear, 1 Yellow Wagtail, 8 Skylark, 6 Swallow, 2 Whimbrel, 2w Great Skua, 6 Sandwich Tern and 10 Gannet.

02 May, 2013

Good numbers of Gannet off Climping Beach this evening, following a couple of trawlers. Also 2w 1e Whimbrel, 2w Med Gull, 7w 5e Sandwich Tern and 3 Wheatear on the sea wall.

Records for Wed 1st May - A Hobby seen well from a train at 04:45 over Marsh Farm,  also 6 Tufted Duck, 2 Great-crested Grebe on the pools,  good numbers of both Reed & Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting.  3-4 Lesser Whitethroat,  singles of Buzzard, Sparrowhawk,  2 Grey Heron and several Swallow hawking over the big pool.

At Climping yesterday morning very quiet apart from singles of Garden Warbler,  Treecreeper, Wheatear, 2 Sand Martin and 3 Great-crested Grebe offshore.

1 Yellow Wagtail over the horse paddock on Tues 30th April