Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

30 April, 2012

Seawatch from Climping Beach at 1240 produced 1e Skua sp, 4e Artic Skua, and 1 Great Skua on the sea. Bar-tailed Godwit totalled 75+e, also  5e Whimbrel, 21e Commic Tern, 12e Sandwich Tern, and 35 Swallow in off. In the bushes at least 10 Whitethroat and 6 Blackcap.

21 April, 2012

Tues 16th April

Seawatching from the car park this morning produced very little apart from  2e Whimbrel, 2e 4w Sandwich Tern, 2w Med Gull, 4o odd Gannets following a pair of trawlers.  Caught the rear end view of a Grey Goose flying west over the beach at 0920.

14 April, 2012

Took a stroll around the farm mid afternoon and was rewarded with my first  Reed (2) and Sedge (1)Warbler of the year, calling and showing from the reedbed on the little pool.  Several of both Chiffchaff, and Blackcap, 1 each of  Great-crested and Little Grebe, 4 Tufted Duck and at least 20 Swallow in the area. Also 18 Lapwing, 3 Buzzard, 2 Grey Heron, and several of both Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting.
Very quiet for the last two days in the patch with small numbers of Sandwich Tern moving offshore and single a Gannet, Double figures for both Blackcap and Chiffchaff,  6 Wheatear  4 Willow Warbler, good numbers of Linnet in the area and a Couple of Swallow in off.

08 April, 2012

Had a walk around the farm after the rain, with 1 Great-crested Grebe and 3 Tufted Duck on the main pool. 10 Chiffchaff, 8 Blackcap, 3 Willow Warbler, several of both Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting in the bushes. 2 Swallow, 1 Wheatear, 2 Lapwing 5 Snipe, 3 Grey Heron 30+ Meadow Pipit and 7 Med Gull in the fields and 1 Sparrowhawk.

06 April, 2012

Very quiet in the patch this with only 7e 3w Sandwich Tern 1w Brent Goose, 4w Mediterranean Gull, 10 Great-crested Grebe, 10 singing Blackcap and 7 Chiffchaff in the area, but star birds of the morning belong to 2 RAVEN flying west calling over Bailiffscourt at 11.00

03 April, 2012


I came across your email address on your website and felt the need to
contact you regarding a current application to develop a touring
caravanning site for 134 pitches on a site close to Climping beach.
You may already be aware of it, but if not, here is some information,
which you may wish to read.

If the application is approved, the proposed site will cover a large
area of current farmland, accessed by the small track (Grevatts Lane)
that runs directly off of the A259 opposite the Oyster Catcher pub.
The Habitat Survey submitted with the application shows that a diverse
range of protected species could be affected by this development if it
goes ahead. Having grown up in Climping and still having family
members living in the area, I am concerned on the impact this will
have on the natural habitat. Furthermore, the part of the A259 from
which caravans and motor homes will access the site is already well
known as a hazardous site, with several accidents including fatalities
in recent years.

The public have until Thursday 12 April to submit comments either in
support or in objection to the plans.
If you want to oppose this, please click on the link, and insert this
reference: CM/2/12.

Should you wish to hear more, I understand there is a planning meeting
at Climping Village Hall on Thursday 5 April at 5.30pm.
A notable fall of 40 Wheatears at Climping Gap this morning, including 28 in the horse paddock alone. Also logged were a couple of Willow Warblers, 5 Blackcaps and plenty of Chiffchaffs. A couple of Brent Goose flocks and a few Sandwich Terns passed E, then a nice flock of nine Med Gulls flew W. And then our resident Red-legged Partridge appeared, still apparently single and looking for love!